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  1. M

    How make 500ml Trenbolone?

    Hi friends. I'm going to do (100g) 500ml trenbolone enanthate 200 mg / ml and (100g) 500ml Masteron Enanthate 200mg/ml. My question is how much BB and BA is needed for this amount . It would be good to know the exact recipe for 500ml.
  2. M

    Recommend good seller of steroid powder

    sorry what i did wrong, i only asked for advice and information
  3. M

    Recommend good seller of steroid powder

    good morning colleagues. Who ordered good quality steroid powder from China? Could you recommend a good seller with the right prices for trenbolone and masterone, because most 100g sellers sell them for $ 400- $ 500 really infamous. Thank you in advance !!