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  1. tvman

    making dbol?

    Does anyone have any info on making dbol? Ive read the info Bass has on his website. I was hoping to put it in oil. Is it the same as winny? If so, is it as hard to make in oil as winny? any help would be great, Thanks.
  2. tvman

    making winny in oil

    If one was to make thier winny in oil. Would it be okay to still take oral?
  3. tvman

    Kickstarting a cycle w/prop

    Im running the same now and I did 50mg ed of prop for three weeks. Was all fine but I did feel a little week on my workouts for a week or so.
  4. tvman

    how long does test en ?

    thanks for the replys
  5. tvman

    how long does test en ?

    Cool, I was thinking of running 75mg ed for first 2-3wks and the test en at 600mg wk plus Im doing eq and later fina and prop with winny
  6. tvman

    how long does test en ?

    How long does test en take to get into your system? Could you run some prop at the begining before test en kicks in? if so, how long could you run the prop? was thinking about 600mg wk of test en. if that makes a diff of how long.
  7. tvman

    Biker Boyz

    I worked on a little piece of that film and from that little clip you could tell that it was going to be a bad film.
  8. tvman

    Has anyone gotten tedenitis (sp?) before?

    I have it in my shoulder and last time it flared up I iced it down alot. It seemed to help alot and I wasnt down as long as before flare ups.
  9. tvman


    Is winny and anavar together okay?
  10. tvman

    Fina = unable to sleep

    I just did 8 weeks of fina and prop and no problem sleeping. try some melatonin, people I work with that cant sleep use it and like it.
  11. tvman

    last week - when to start liquid clen

    This is my last week of fina and prop. I was using dbol the first 4 wks. I have been going for 8 weeks now and this is my last week on this cycle. I was going to run clen with clomid this time. Im just not sure about when to start the clen. Do i start now, after my last shot or wait till i start...
  12. tvman

    loose skin on the belly

    My wife is 36 mother of 3 and has a flat belly. How ever after the three kids she has very loose skin and it dosen't make her belly look as good. Is there anything she can do other than a tummy tuck.
  13. tvman


    I hit my quads for the first time on this cycle, fina also. Ive had no problem at all. It has the same soreness as my glutes.
  14. tvman

    Honeymoon and Wedding Pics

    Welcome back. You both look'in good. You look like you slimmed down and cut up alot.
  15. tvman

    its been slow here latly, is the new opening page a problem for any?

    at work on the macs i caint get passed the opening page. the links dont seem to work. Thats only the macs
  16. tvman

    six week update I'm up 22lbs

    22lbs sweet.
  17. tvman

    hentai help

    how about these
  18. tvman

    Main Attraction..

    attitude, and fun