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  1. B

    STUDY: The effects of cannabis on metabolic pathways and endocrine system...

    Brother I appreciate these posting. It's been some time since I gotten to read some of these newer scientific studies using a control group. Always fun to read.
  2. B

    Magic mushrooms might really be magic...

    Very interesting reading! Thank you.
  3. B

    Guide to Steroids - thought this would help many!

    Many years ago this chart helped me a great deal. Though I would share! steroid poster [ 3 ] (
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    Should I start a YouTube channel?

    I know you announce this a few months back, but I would love to hear what you have to say. All your post are professionally done!
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    Study on sleep and muscle

    Another great Read! I love that you cite. If allows for further exploration.
  6. B

    2021 Resolution

    Going to start a two on one off routine. Stick to a rigid diet. And taking a break for a week after two months of balls to the wall. I tried this a few year back and had great success. Feel that as we age a two on one off works best for most or me. That week's rest at the end of two...