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  1. rugbythug

    Long Term HRT

    Anyone have any links to long Term HRT info? I have been clean for 6 years but still have test levels of 194. (FYI Yes you can screw up your natural test levels forever) I am trying to weigh the pros and cons of HRT for the long term.
  2. rugbythug

    ideas on tren

    why not run it from the beginning? If your worried about shut down you will be toast just from the 8 weeks-if your going to go all in go all the way.
  3. rugbythug

    Your Steak?

    rare-Puple and bloody in the middle and a little cold. Just warm the outside!
  4. rugbythug

    new cycle.. suggestions?

    bro 25mg/ml will really make you shoot a lot.
  5. rugbythug site down?

    I got a weird email-doesn't look good for labcorp
  6. rugbythug

    lab-corp clen

    I'll have tabs wed. I'll update everyone as to how they compare.
  7. rugbythug

    I look like Greg Valentino

    plus who can find human? Not I
  8. rugbythug

    lab-corp clen

    I took 200 this morning and it is hitting me pretty good. Rapid heart rate and kinda shakey.
  9. rugbythug

    Lab-Corp Clomiphene

    That is experimental Depends what kind of experiment you are running.
  10. rugbythug

    2 6-weekers vs 1 12-weeker

    I prefer 52 week cycles-usually back to back. LOL
  11. rugbythug

    I look like Greg Valentino

    I am experimenting with some qv prop and damn my arms look like GV's. My tri's are all swollen and red and hurt like a bitch. I need to toughen up but damn it wasn't like this last time. Course I was mixing with tren last time. I should take a pic Pretty funny looking with one half swole up...
  12. rugbythug

    NO rec. drug talk at all...

    How did you hear about my Grandma? I didn't tell anyone-Were you there?
  13. rugbythug

    lab-corp clen

    my anti's are working good. Tomorrow I think I will go for 200 but I honestly got nothing from 120
  14. rugbythug

    lab-corp clen

    Then I got a bad batch then. Course you know 1 ml should be 200mcg LOL I am not suprised your head is exploding you and SM should swap stories.
  15. rugbythug

    lab-corp clen

    thanks bro
  16. rugbythug

    BB curl vs EZ bar curl

    makes my forarms hurt to use barbell so mostly d-bells for me
  17. rugbythug

    lab-corp clen

    120 mcg today and nothing at all happened. I ended up taking ephedrine at noon cause I was sleepy. No heat no shakes nothing. I must have gotten a bad batch. 605 take some and tell me if you get any effects.
  18. rugbythug

    lab-corp clen

    anybody here used it? Does it go bad? I am taking some right now today 60mcg my first time on any clen and really no effects yet.
  19. rugbythug

    Update for Liquid Research

    glad to hear-animal had the same shit and came out unscathed you should be fine.
  20. rugbythug

    PC Program for Tracking Calories, Etc. Never used it myself though