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  1. Z

    Bromocriptine-prolactin inhibition

    I just started using Bromo this week. I'll let you know as soon as there is something to report. In the last week the only thing unusual that could be seen as a potential effect from the drug is I've been having unexplained hard-ons at various times that I haven't seen since I was 13, I turned...
  2. Z

    Started first cycle do not feel any improvement!

    Navy, it isn't like an airpump and you just pump up your body. Read up on the two drugs you are taking. There is a small fast component to Sus but deca is a slow acting one. It can take 3-4 weeks before you really start to see a change. Trust me once you do, especially on your first cycle...
  3. Z

    Advice On What I Should Use ? As Far As Steroids?

    Before turning to the dark side, I used to compete as a lifetime natural bodybuilder. My first year I went from 206lbs to 203lbs before dropping 20lbs of water a few days before the show (23lbs in five days was my best, I almost passed out on stage). I competed at 183. I started out six...
  4. Z

    Starting Lipostabil tomorrow

    can't wat to hear more.... Summer is right around the corner.
  5. Z

    1st cycle, what do you think?

    cut up This is your first cycle and it sounds like you are touching on a very popular misconception. "cutting drugs" cutting drugs are drugs that do not make you retain as much water. They do not get you "cut". What does get you cut is diet and diet drugs such as t3 and clen. GH is also a...
  6. Z


    taste It usually has an oily consistance but not much taste. Usually it does numb the tounge a little. However, once again unless someone else can enlighten me, I've never seen fake durateston. Z-monster
  7. Z


    Everyone is different in regards to pain. Durateston is a drug that I have never seen counterfits of, so you should be in good shape. For me I've injected 400mg of 200mg prop without pain and right now I'm on t-400 and everyone always complains about this one and I don't feel pain on it. So...
  8. Z

    should i add slin?

    I'm not a big fan of slin personally, I don't like the way that I feel when I am on it. But, from what I have seen in people that I have trained, it will put on some significant size. However it appears on average to be some fat gain along with muscle gain. If now is your bulking cycle try it...
  9. Z

    Whats better winny inj, or winny pills

    Definitely do the shots. You do have to inject quite frequently but at least for me it is only painful for the first shot. After that they aren't painful at all. Winstrol is my favorite site injection drug. I'll only do it in my biceps(for me it is a lagging body part). Every Steroid...
  10. Z


    IP's t3 I've done IP's t3 and they definately work. They are 40mcg as opposed to .25 or .5. T3 is so cheap, even black market I used to get them for 5-15 dollars for 100. Let me know what you want to know about them and I've give some more info. Z-monster
  11. Z

    how to lessen injection pain

    I'm currently on my second cycle of 1.2g of t400 per week. I blend 1:1 with EQ and have not had any pain at all. Z-monster
  12. Z


    Unless there is a problem you shouldn't have to go to an endocrininologist. I get checked out once a year. Find a general practiioner and have him give you a blood screening most of what you need will be revealed in that. If there is a problem then escalate it. You can pick any gp, so maybe...
  13. Z

    Diet considerations

    Thanks mdwt, I'm not a big fan of cream of rice. Just substitute for something you like better. Maybe one meal substitute a protein "drink" and the other either some tuna or chicken or something similar. Z-monster
  14. Z

    Which way would be best?

    Misread I guess I misunderstood your history but it doesn't change my response.
  15. Z


    Diet and train hard are the most obvious. When I used to compete natural I would use Niacin to get me more vascular just before a show. I've never taken it on a regular basis but I have read of people doing it in that fashion and said they had decent results. This assumes that you are already...
  16. Z

    Experiance w/PROVIRON

    I have done it a couple times. As an anti-e, assuming it does work is marginal. If you are on a cutting cycle it is a good completment. Also people that have trouble keep their shit up during a cycle will really like it because as a side effect it gives you erections(sometimes more then you...
  17. Z

    Going to Vegas!!!

    Vegas Been to vegas about 10 times over the past two years. Best Strip club- Crazy Horse 2 Best club- Rain in the new Palms hotel Best afterhours- Drais in Barbary Coast(where all the strippers go after work. Heard there was a new hot spot but it has been six months since my last trip)...
  18. Z

    Diet considerations

    email me if this doesn't look clear. I've given this diet to several people and have trained several people locally and all that have not cheated have seen some great success. If you look at the calorie number it is higher then most cutting diets but not to worry protein does not readily...
  19. Z

    Which way would be best?

    Considering you didn't hold on to your gains last time. I would think about adding a longer acting anabolic to the cycle. Both prop and tren are short acting. I would add something like EQ, deca or primobolan to the cycle. Another thing tren is pretty hard on the system. You might consider...
  20. Z


    Huh? What is a great cycle to do with clen? Clen is a diet drug, IP enhanced it with Ketofin(not Ketamine which is an animal tranc. or dried out to make special K) which has two benefits. One you don't have to cycle the clen because the ketofin upregulates the beta-receptors including the...