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  1. B

    AAS during and after knee replacement surgery?

    AAS and surgery was always a no-no. It could cause numerous issues with healing, infection, etc. As Presser mentioned I'd stick to TRT doses only and wait a bit before adding anything. Maybe modifying diet may help you keep your muscle mass up.
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    Quick question: Is anti-p "similar" to Caber or is it more like Praxi or Bromo? I want to make sure I'm taking the right dose... P.S What's up Presser? Been a while but I still check-in from time to time. :)
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    Does anyone still sell Pure Ephedrine HCL without the guaifenesin bullshit?

    Albuterol works great for asthma but I would think it would make you all shaky like clenbuterol if you took enough of it. Definitely wouldn't try using it for weight loss, but that's just me and I hated Clen back in the day. lol.
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    Story behind your username???

    biggerstronger comes from the phrase bigger, faster, stronger which was plastered in the gym when I played football in high school. I think it was part of a conditioning and workout routine geared towards football. No relation to the movie that came out years later. lol.
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    IGF-1 Lr3 Enhances Steroid Cycles Initiates New Muscle Fibers& Testosterone Receptors

    great article...maybe I'll give IGF lr3 another whirl one day. I believe I remember from way back when that, while not very likely, it could possibly worsen gyno symptoms? Is that true?
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    Been a while! are right about that.
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    Third Cycle - Physique PICS

    I cycle(s) I ever did.
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    Been a while!

    Thanks everyone. Yeah, life has been pretty good to me lately except for staying in shape. lol. Although I haven't been completely inactive for all these years. For quite some time I was running quite a bit. Generally 4-7 miles, 3-5 days per week. Although last couple of months I've been pretty...
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    Been a while!

    Just wanted to stop by and say hello. Some of you guys may remember me. Been a member here a long time. Life is finally slowing down a bit after getting married, buying a house, etc. so now is a good time to start focusing on myself and get into better shape. Lifting has been at the bottom of...
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    Pramipexole Help

    I've tried prami and it made me feel horrible...absolutely horrible. Like I was on some bad drugs or something. Sweats, EXTREME lethargy, Extremely foggy head feeling, sleep issues, etc. Not sure if it was way over-dosed, bunk(some other compound entirely), or I just can't handle it.
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    recurring gyno when off-cycle...

    I've experienced this...I haven't touched AAS regularly in years besides some PH here and there. I've been battling with it trying to keep it in check using AI's/Serms. It started off long time ago after a tren cycle and has gotten worse over the years. The PH along with AI/Serms/Anti-p which...
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    New Year Resolutions

    Get into shape - I haven't been hitting the gym consistently in the last year or so. I'm getting skinny-fat and as I'm getting older its not as easy to lose the fat as it was in my 20's. My wife and I are planning to buy a new house within the next 6 months, and then mid-year start trying for a...
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    Up at 3 a.m. AGAIN! FUCK

    I get into cycles like that where I'll wake up really early and struggle to sleep until a normal hour. I find it happens much more frequently when my life is stressful for whatever reason. Once the stress goes away I can sleep better and will sleep until 6:45 or so.
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    In a funk, unmotivated and need some help from the boys and girls of MC....

    Plus I'm starting to get fat...and that always instills motivation to go to the gym. Maybe eat junk food all day every day for a few months and watch the motivation increase. LOL.
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    In a funk, unmotivated and need some help from the boys and girls of MC....

    I'm in the same spot right now. I've been unmotivated for quite some time and its hard to want to hit the gym 5 times per week. Honestly, I like the suggestion about doing more cardio. That's what I'm trying to do right cardio first thing in the gym (2-3 miles) and then hit the weights...
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    FYI…Our Buy 1 Get 1 Free Specials End Sunday at Midnight!

    hey press, can you mix and match? or is it buy one get one of the same item?
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    Has anyone ever heard of Amway direct sales??

    You can probably make more money getting a part time job somewhere or buying and selling crap on ebay. lol. The only people getting rich are the Amway execs and shareholders.
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    Debilitating Headaches from Blood Pressure

    maybe its allergies? I get some wicked sinus headaches sometimes but ibuprofen and some allergy meds usually clear it up.
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    took yoga yesterday

    My fiance got me to do Bikram yoga once. Its similar to regular yoga but they heat the room to 105 degrees and it last 90 mins. It was horrible. Some of the stretches were pretty difficult but the worst part is the heat. I'm pretty sure I had heat stroke at about the 1 hour mark. I felt horrible...