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  1. R

    Can you believe this guy!!

    Anyone remember that"lifting gloves are for pussies" thread a while back??-I rest my case,continue to use gloves and try not to touch anything in the gym-yuck!!
  2. R

    Regaining motivation....

    Whats the world coming to!!-KR whining and questioning his desire and fortitude!!I simply don't believe it-somebody(probably a competitor in his class)hacked his computer and posted that"doubt thread" just to mess with his head!!Well it ain't gonna work bros-I'm sure KR is pounding the iron as I...
  3. R

    pics and gear and very little development, etc...

    Honesty and integrity are like training legs-always painful and many don't have "it"(integrity and the discipline to REALLY train their bottom half)-Keep preaching Skip-your're a big part of why me and alot of other good bros call MC home!!
  4. R

    Deca.... Over rated??

    I prefer EQ to Deca-just my opinion
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    160lb dumbells

    Funny thing Skip-ever notice when you're standing on stage nobody asks "what do you bench,squat......"-they usually just say "congratulations"
  6. R

    I need to Bitch

    I am polite and will explain to anyone who asks ONCE-I try not to perpetuate the "rage" myths and BBer sterotypes and usually abide by the golden rule.......then I'll eat 'em
  7. R

    This is what people think you look like if you take steroids

    Somebody please delete those pics-I've been violated
  8. R

    And so it begins.....

    I got 2 weeks left-then I start my cutter-I still say I'd rather diet/cut than bulk-I am SOO tired of being stuffed and bloated!!
  9. R

    "hey bro your wasting your time...,"

    I think "wasting your time " is ridiculous-however the point MAY be-why compare your self to other 50 yr olds-compare your results to other 50 yr old BBers!!-the question is how good can this 50 yr old look-is he at his best?-my advice(from one old guy to another)-go to the extreme-get on...
  10. R

    Favorite Cutting Stack?

    T-3 & Clen,Tren,Winstrol,Prop,EQ and Halos-2500 cal and cardio 5x per week-1/2 hr in am-empty stomach-cycle carbs 50/100/150 repeat
  11. R

    Whats wrong with this BB?

    Ah yes Dr Frankenstein,if we use Dorian's calves and Greg Valentino's arms we can build the perfect BBer-oh I almost forgot to add the brain-who's was it said "Abbey Someone " on the jar.....oh yes now I recall-Abbey Normal!!!!!
  12. R

    Ass size

    Well,funny you should ask-can't get the 38 Levis over my keister and a few days ago as I bend over to make my eggs,the wife comes in behind and gasps-"geez your ass is freakin' huge"-so without measuring-at 6'4" 285 I'm a few pop tarts away from blotting out the sun!!
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    What's everyone like/dislike about

    Integrity and very accomplished competitors answering your Q's
  14. R

    what drug could this guy be using

    epidural in the abs?-useless-its gotta be some type of narcotic
  15. R

    Holiday Food Traps by Phano Som

    off season bulker-PLEASE PASS THE PIE!!!
  16. R

    cycle Q for a MOD or experienced competitor

    Show changed dates(or I was confused?)-now its 3 weeks earlier in June and I'm in week 6 of a 12 week bulker(1g test and 500mg deca per week-IGF 100mcg ED 5/2 for weeks 5-8)-problem is now I will only have time for a 12 week pre-show cutter after giving myself 8 weeks post cycle for recovery-I'm...
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    Does this guy train at your gym?? No legs.

    please name 1 pro with "small" legs!!
  18. R

    Does this guy train at your gym?? No legs.

    Guys don't train legs because its difficult and it hurts-period-If I can get my long ass tinker toys to grow anybody can-PS-The secret is to do hams and calves early in the week-quads at the end of the week-I really got poor results until I split legs into 2 days-
  19. R

    In the Gym, Pet Peeves....

    First-Presser can you really blame them for staring at Fly? Now my rant-I hate the guy who gives free advice on any and all BBing issues-hes never competed,is fat and puts on gloves,wrist wraps,elbow wraps,belt and some kind of lifting shirt,does 3 reps with 315 and walks around like he owns the...