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  1. nox

    Several Homemade Protien Bars Recipes

    Made these 2 more times since than. the 2nd time I used a strongly favored vanilla protein. Turned out very good. The maple syrup+vanilla flavor came through strongly. 3rd time I switched out 1 cup of oats for 1 cup of cocoa rice krispies. They turned out more cake-like in the center. A little...
  2. nox

    Several Homemade Protien Bars Recipes

    I made these. Good finger food. Perfect crispness for me, not so gooey as to stick to my fingers and not so crispy that crumbs go everywhere. Perhaps it was because my whey protein is only mildly flavored, but the only thing I could taste was a trace of OJ and mild syrup. Still yummy IMO, but...
  3. nox

    More questions on Halotestin???

    half-life is 9.2 hours according to USP DI: Drug Information for the Health Care Professional.
  4. nox

    anavar cycle

    This isn't the study I was looking for, but it seems anavar is really good for ab and vis fat. I don't know the dosages they used. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1995 Sep;19(9):614-24 Oral anabolic steroid treatment, but...
  5. nox

    Stretching for Splits

    Put some socks on and put one foot on the carpet and the other on the kitchen lineoleum.
  6. nox

    Don't mean to gross u out but,

    I agree. When red blood cells break down you get bilirubin, which includes iron. That iron colors your stool as scorpio pointed out. So unless you started adding lead to your diet, the extra iron had to come from somewhere.
  7. nox

    March 26th lottery picks here!

    123 - the same combination on my luggage
  8. nox

    Do MP3 players get in the way of lifting?

    I have a kazoo, it was a gift. Its about the size of both of my thumbs and eats more batteries than Lee Priest at KFC. It always gets in the way during squats and deads - so much that I always wear a shirt with a pocket to put it in. Lifting to my own music outweighs any problems I have with it.
  9. nox


    There's a lot of info around what the sides are, but not too much on the incidence of them. This is the best I've found. From the USP DI. %of patient suffer - Symptom 16% Decrease in HDL 20% Increase in LDL >10% Proteinuria (increases along with Creatine Kinase with Vigorous physcical activity...
  10. nox

    March 17ths lottery winner was.........

    WooHoo, I'm a weiner. Now if I could only win some of knowledge to go with them.
  11. nox

    whats the best over the counter anti-inflammatory

    This is the study that is always quoted when talking about NSAIDS effect on muscle building. Pay attention to the dosage of IBU - 1.2g - not far off from the doses some are recommending. --------------------------------------------------------- Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2002...
  12. nox

    My new home

    It's down right now for upgrades and there are still good people there. Anyway, Nice to see you again BlueBuddha.
  13. nox


    I don't know who he is, but I've heard of a couple people going to the feed store and picking up huge bags of whey for cheap prices. I have never gone there, but its an idea.
  14. nox

    Eq or Deca?

    Thats my biggest concern that pushes me towards EQ. Deca can be detected for something like 18 months in the body. Think about where you're going to be in a year and a half.