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  1. Becoming


    Try Diphenhydramine HCL 25 mg. It's the active ingredient in Tylenol PM. I got a 32 count bottle at the local Marc's store for $2.37. One or two of those should knock you out. I actually have to lay down for it to work though.
  2. Becoming

    Synovex-h question

    Thanks guys! The responses that I have gotten have been most helpful without being condescending. That is the reason this board is the BEST!!
  3. Becoming

    Synovex-h question

    Ok another question. What does a "typical" kit yield as far as mg/ml and total ml's.
  4. Becoming

    Hello Everyone, Please allow me to introduce myself

    Welcome to MC. Go Browns!!:D
  5. Becoming

    Synovex-h question

    Thanks Scorpio!!
  6. Becoming

    Synovex-h question

    What's up guys? I was just reading the description for syno on a vet site and was wondering if I was interpreting it correctly. It says one box is 100 doses, or ten cartridges with 10 doses each. If I were to convert all of this, would that be 20,000 mgs give or take for loss during conversion...
  7. Becoming

    Happy Father's Day!

    Happy Father's Day!!
  8. Becoming

    Losing Love

    lol @ bigshug!!
  9. Becoming

    State of Illinois bans ephedra!

    I'm sorry that these people have died but this is such Bullshit! I've been using ephedra on and off for the last two years and never had any problems. If you stay within the recommended dosage you should be fine. Sometimes I've gotten a little shaky from the stuff but it wasn't anything that a...
  10. Becoming

    Whats the furthest you have gone in defense of your lady?

    Bigshug- I don't really know you but from what I've read, you really don't like your wife very much do you?
  11. Becoming

    Driver's license

    Suckered me right in thanks!!!
  12. Becoming

    What's your ethnic background?

    1/2 Puerto Rican 1/2 White Boy
  13. Becoming

    You should all be ashamed!

    I got 3 more to get to fifty!
  14. Becoming

    You should all be ashamed!

  15. Becoming


    50 years to go...
  16. Becoming

    Need some votes on whether or not to add a new section in members phots

    I think it's a great idea also. The amount of time and will power involved to compete is unreal as some of you know. Let those who do show their stuff for all of us to admire.