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    Good ALA comapany?

    I've used both the Gluccorell and the 1 fast400 stuff, both are great products so u really cant go wrong.
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    Ladies ~ How do you NOT bulk up?

    I do know that this is the right thing to do, but its so hard to convince some females. I planned 5 meals for either one of these girls but could only convince them to have 4. Anyways we will see what will happen. Thanks for your reply and kidroks aswell..
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    Ladies ~ How do you NOT bulk up?

    for the females that are dieting, do u eat small meals frequently? Also how many meals do u have? Im having problems with some girls at the gym that refuse to eat 4 small meals, they think im trying to fatten them up. They just want to eat once or maybe even once... I myself have 7-8 small meals...
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    Spanishfly Pics (before show)

    agreed she is hot, she looks awesome
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    Do they have a pricelist anywere?? I could not find it.
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    R-ALA Looking for a source that has

    I am currently using mike's R-ala and have been for the last 8 months. I think his product is great although i have been hearing great things about Syntrax's R. Thats what i'll be ordering next.. By the way Mike's is
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    Buggy's pics

    I have no reason at all to be shitting you guys.
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    Buggy's pics

    I used the animal M stak about 5 months ago, only cos i paid $5 for it at the Arnold Classic.. And last year i drank about 5-7 , 1ml vials of Winstrol.. I was'nt to keen on injecting it, and i think drinking it was just a waste..
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    Buggy's pics

    Haha, sorry bro no cycles... Lots of supplements yes but never been on a cycle. Currently using the Anarchy stack(R-ala,Alcar,green tea,Cla) and also just finished 2 tubs of Sann's V12. I think the Anarchy stack may have helped with me putting on a little size while staying lean at the same...
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    Buggy's pics

    me at 167lbs 6 months ago
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    Buggy's pics

    Im actually bulking, thats why i went from 167 to 178. I eat clean year round, never have cheat meals. From 6 months ago till now i upped my carb and protein intake all clean carbs, stopped cardio and trained less.. It was the only way i was going to put more size on. As for ab routine, i like...
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    Buggy's pics

    LOL, im an Aussie but currently in Lebanon(middle east) till November. Im coaching a university Rugby league side here..
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    Buggy's pics

    a pic with no flexing taken a few days after the others
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    Buggy's pics

    back shot
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    Buggy's pics

    another front
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    Buggy's pics

    Hi last time i posted pics was 6 months ago, i weighed 167lbs, im posting some pics i took earlier in the week, i weigh 178lbs now. Ive gained 11lbs in 6months.
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    Very Funny

    Thats exactly what happened to me:D
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    Very Funny

    A Scottish old timer is in a bar, talking to a young man. "Lad, look out there to the field. Do ya see that fence? Look how well it's built. I built that fence stone by stone with me own two hands. I piled it for months. But do they call me McGregor-the-Fence-Builder? Nooo..." Then, the old...
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    Honest drunk

    A woman was shopping at her local supermarket where she selected a quart >of 2% milk, a carton of eggs, a quart >of orange juice, a head of romaine lettuce, a 2 lb. can of coffee, and a >1 lb. package of bacon. As she was >unloading her items on the conveyor belt to check out, a drunk...
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    Homo Joke

    Two homosexuals walk through a zoo. They come across the gorillas and >after a while, they notice that the male gorilla has a massive >erection.. >They are fascinated by this. > >One of the men just can't bear it any longer and reaches into the cage to >touch it. The gorilla grabs him...