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  1. H

    Is there a test to tell if your ephedrine is good.

    Got the test kit . Once mix it suppose to turn violets instead it turn to light blues. The old eph turn violets . Primatene turn violet also ....
  2. H

    Is there a test to tell if your ephedrine is good.

    Hi bro I may have rush the brush on the eph. I took two 60mg and the heat turn up and a started to sweat like a pig. Just that it is sweet. I have never had any that is sweet. I have a friend that going to send a a test kit. ( don't ask won't tell). Should have a answer for you by next week and...
  3. H

    Is there a test to tell if your ephedrine is good.

    Yep that what I thought . Everything I read says it has a bitter taste . These have a sweet taste . Will take two in the morning at 30 mg each and compare it to my afternoon went I take the primatene at 12.5 mg so will take four hope I don't fuck my self up.. test these pills.
  4. H

    Is there a test to tell if your ephedrine is good.

    Bad new there are fake. Taste like sugar. Had some old one there are bitter. Primatene also is bitter. Hate motherfucker like that. Will work on getting my money back.
  5. H

    Is there a test to tell if your ephedrine is good.

    Ok thanks bros. will look into a test if all goes well I will tell you were I got it from. Don't want to lead anyone astray.
  6. H

    Is there a test to tell if your ephedrine is good.

    A lots of fake going around . I am taking about real not pirmate or bronkaid. Are there any test out there.
  7. H

    Have anybody have they package lost by USPS

    That's what I did , wipe my ass with it. lol. I'm in touch with shipper. He plan on given me a re-ship after I get back form my vacation in a month it was also express that is a no-no from now on. I will wait the extra week for it. this was a learning experience. In all my year of doing this...
  8. H

    Have anybody have they package lost by USPS

    Just got a custom letter. for that lost package. Well it's not lost anymore.
  9. H

    Have anybody have they package lost by USPS

    If it ever show up,I will have it sent back to sender I want nothing to do with it. I hope the sender use a fake addy . I am also in touch with them.
  10. H

    Have anybody have they package lost by USPS

    Did that bro still waiting . Going on 16 day for express mail . I am about to go on a month long vacation just would like to have it before i leave . The sender have good product . Out of 3 pack one was lost (still waiting) may chalk this one up as a lost and reorder again. Shit happen .
  11. H

    Have anybody have they package lost by USPS

    What do you do? Do you chalk it up as a lost ? Do you try and complain to the sender or the post office(not). Do you fine a next sender . Your thoughts and comments is greatly appreciated. Thanks ham31
  12. H

    More Fucking Fraud ,lol. Un-Fucking-Real

    Pressser clean out the computer that you used to do all your banking. You have a Trojan horse hiding in there that send your information out.
  13. H

    Have anybody use inj anadrol

    What was it like. the pro and con of using it . thanks ham31
  14. H

    UKANABOLICS test400 blend

    hope it stay that way. then I may get some. @ 400 less injection for me.