Search results

  1. C

    I'm Back

    sorry for your loss...
  2. C

    Are Men stronger than

    need both scientific and public
  3. C

    Are Men stronger than

    Are Men stronger than Women? Why? Are women stronger than men? Why or why not? need input for a term paper, any help would be appreciated
  4. C

    message for all

    I want to thank everyone for the responses. i would have thanked everyone sooner but life is just getting worse by the hour.
  5. C

    message for all

    i know this dosent belong here but please leave might make someone think and save a life Last week i lost my 19 year old sister because the guy she was with decided to race some cars. he lost control of the car he borrowed at over 115 mph. the car was airbourn and spinning for over...
  6. C

    drug tests

    this is a govt job by the way....dont know if that makes a difference
  7. C

    drug tests

    I will have to give some hair for a drug test for a job. I know that they can go back as far as 3 or 4 years with this type of testing. but should i worry about them finding gear this way??? I dont do rech. drugs so i am not worried about them just the gear.
  8. C

    would you???

    next go around with gear i was thinking of 500mgs a week of cyp for 12 weeks considering takes about 2-3 weeks for the cyp to kick in with some winny weeks 12-15.I was woundering if it would be better to do d-bol for the first 3 weeks while the cyp kicks in or would prop every 3 days at...
  9. C

    Sex while she's on the rag......

    JUST RUN THAT RED LIGHT MAN......its no big deal...some of the best sex is when the light is red, lick it.screw the shit out of it...and dont neglect her ass hole!! jump in the shower afterwards and dont for get to wash the towel she lays on afterwards.....PERIOD.....(pun intended)
  10. C

    tanning pills

    Thanks guys for the info. BLAH
  11. C

    tanning pills

    HI new to board was wondering if anyone knows about a pill that helps you tan...sory dont know name but wanted to know if these pills realy work,they dont dye your skin the work with hormones(i think) thanks BLAH