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  1. teutonic

    Liquid Clomid measuring

    Yeah its from RK but its in a glass bottle. I didn't know it also came in a plastic bottle. I guess you can do what Harvey Balboner said.
  2. teutonic

    Liquid Clomid measuring

    Hey gymrat mine was the same way. Just boil some water,when water is boiling turn heat off and then place bottle in pot. Let it sit there for about 10-15 minutes. It should be fine after that. It will turn a clear liquid.
  3. teutonic


    So you are saying that it is ok to workout in the morning and inject at night????
  4. teutonic

    Pain in the ass

    I'm on EQL tren/prop 1/2cc ED. I'm having the same problems you are. It fucking sucks having to deal with so much pain. I'm 2 weeks in and hoping I can last the 8 weeks.
  5. teutonic

    If you could change one thing on your body.....

    My arms. From my bitch wrists to my biceps. My arms SUUUUUUUUCK!!!! They just dont want to grow :(
  6. teutonic


    I asked this over at FG but would like your opinion. I'm taking EQL prop/tren combo 1/2cc ED. I'm 2 weeks into cycle. I workout in the morning. I use to inject in the morning before my workout. I have now Switched to injecting at night before I go to bed. So would it be ok to workout in the...
  7. teutonic


    I did what footballcat said and it worked great. It is all liquid now.
  8. teutonic


    Once again I just want to make it clear I was NOT saying anything bad about RESEARCHKITS service. I was just saying that if their is a problem with your order like their was with mine that they will take care of it ASAP. GREAT SERVICE. Thank you to Chem and Tom (aka The Angry Dwarf) (aka "The...
  9. teutonic


    Gotcha bass, I understand now. I think I'm going to try what footballcat said to do.
  10. teutonic


    It's a joke just in case anyone thought differently. hehe haha I wasn't trying to be a wise ass. I know things can be taken out of context.
  11. teutonic


    Yes teacher. Do I still get to go on the class trip?
  12. teutonic


    Oakland. I can't stand Sapp and dont like KJ
  13. teutonic


    I dont get what your saying with the oil --- but if I just put it in a draw and let it sit there for a while will it eventually go back to being Liquid?
  14. teutonic


    I posted to say thanks to Researchkits for taking care of the order. To thank them for their service. That if something goes wrong with someones order they will take care of it. I thought it was clear in my post. I also was just curious to why I wouldn't have gotten it the first time. Thats...
  15. teutonic


    When my stuff arrived from Researchkits my LIQUID CLOMID WAS FROZEN. It looks like white paste. What should I do? Are you suppose to refridgerate it or just put it in a cabinet or draw? With it being frozen is it still ok? Just let it thaw out? Please tell me what I should do.
  16. teutonic


    When I placed my order with them a week had passed and i still haven't received my stuff. I was in shock a little bit because everyone says what great service they have. So I emailed them twice and they told me it would be re-sent. This time around I got it. I want to say thank you to...
  17. teutonic

    Which way would be best?

    Hey Z- monster my first "unofficial" cycle I didn't hold on to my gains But my last cycle which would be my first "official" cycle I kept most of my gains. This coming up cycle will be my second "official" cycle.
  18. teutonic

    Which way would be best?

    I just realized (what an idiot I am) that it would be kind of tough to split up because I have the fina/prop EQL combo which gives you 75mg of Fina and 100mg of Prop in 1 cc. Unless I do a half cc ED. Or just leave as is. I dont know, maybe I'm thinking to much about it. I didn't add winny...
  19. teutonic

    Which way would be best?

    this will be my second "official" cycle. My first cycle I lost all my gains because I was uneducated
  20. teutonic

    Which way would be best?

    My stats: 5'8 162 lbs. 28 yrs. old Which way would be best? 1,2,3 or 4 (1) I'll be doing Fina 75mgs ED and Prop 100mg ED for 8 weeks (This is my original one) (2) weeks 1-4 Fina 75mgs EOD and Prop 100mg EOD weeks 5-8 clomid weeks 9-12 Fina 75mgs EOD and Prop 100mg EOD Clomid again...