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  1. J

    Prayers Needed

    I hope everything works out bro......ill pray for her
  2. J

    Anal ever have it???

    You got to wet the toilet paper bro.
  3. J

    chest question

    I worked out my chest yesterday with some pushups because I was bored at work. Nothing too crazy. Today is my chest/back day. Should I just do back or work chest anyway? thanks.
  4. J

    website with exercises

    I remember that there was a website posted that showed how to do exercises for each muscle groups. Can someone post a link? thanks
  5. J

    natural glute ham raise

    Anyone have a link of how this exercisse is performed?
  6. J


    OK guys I want to maybe do a little yoga a couple of days a week. Im hoping this will relax me and make me more flexible with injuries ect. I was hoping someone on this site knows where I can download an instructional tape of some one has a tape they can send to me through aim. Thanks
  7. J

    Ronnie coleman 800 lb deadlift
  8. J


    Does he work out with weights also?
  9. J


    I would like everyones opinion on this. I have recently lost a lot of weight and would like to get back in shape. I am going 3 days a week. mon-back shoulders thursday- legs calves friday-chest arms Ive been talking to people who said that doing pushups every night along with the weight...
  10. J


    I had this pain for a while and the doc ruled out a hernia so I didnt get x rays or anything. He thought it might have been a blocked kidney stone so he had me get an ultrasound but they didnt find anything. After a while the pain just went away or was really minor so I ignored it. Its still...
  11. J


    I had a pain in my top right part of my abdomen thats been on and off for a little over a year. At first I thought it was an abdominal strain like Gary Payton, but now I think it might be a hernia, but I can't tell. How are they diagnosed. I had an ultrasound in the area to check for...
  12. J

    Proactiv acne treatment??

    My brother used it for acne on his face. At first it really cleared him up, but then the body builds a tolerance for it and it didn't work after tat. Something you could try is colloidal silver.
  13. J

    mothers day

    I live in california and my mom lives in New York. Do you guys know of any website that I can order flowers or something good for mothers day that i could have sent to my mom? I know im asking this real late, but can some1 give me an idea?
  14. J

    A funny ass story!!!!

    lol this is the funniest story i heard on a message board.
  15. J

    Brock Lesnar quits WWE

    Brock is a large human being so he looks intimdating in the ring. That is the only thing that he really has going for him. He has no mic skills. (It was better when he didn't say anything and they let Paul Haymen do all the talking). He is an ok wrestler but not as exciting as Rey Mysterio...
  16. J

    If you have bad joints, then read

    DG, how is this stuff working out for you?
  17. J

    Time to start picking your nose

    lol. Its still nasty.
  18. J

    collection agencies

    OK thanks
  19. J

    collection agencies

    I got some collection agencies after me for some medical bills I owe. I can't afford to pay them now, but i'll pay them off after I graduate. If I want to put a little bit of money in the bank right now are they allowed to take it out of my account?