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  1. C

    what's your current workout music?

    Cannibal Corpse Pantera Black Sabbath Bolt Thrower Slayer and... The Moody Blues
  2. C


    congratulations, bro. it's a wonderous thing to bring life into this world.
  3. C

    test prop and 1st cycle prop 100mg/eod.
  4. C

    COLD AS HELL HERE kiddin' it's cold. as i was leaving the gym this morning, the treadmill hippies came in. you should'a saw the ice cycles formed around their long pretty locks of hair... can't wait for thong weather!!
  5. C

    ok married and engaged guys

    8 months... she has 3 kids, and we took a vacation this past year, 38 hours in the car one way! i didn't lose my mind...after that i knew it was meant to be!
  6. C

    Hello anyone want to say hi

    haha...the game is here
  7. C

    Raising kids & doing AAS---thoughts?

    age and maturity is what its about. i have 3 kids myself. they don't know, and it will remain that way until they are old enough and educated enough to understand. it's a delicate process, raising a child...hell, do they know everything their mom and i do in the bedroom, as their fast asleep...
  8. C

    Dear God....

    bump...the last thing i want to see is a bro get scammed, or worse, busted
  9. C

    What keeps everyone driven?

    determination...i know i've had my fair share of mornings when i didn't want to hit the gym. myself, i work the same type of job, 10-12 hours a day, the kind of job you take home with you. i'm pretty good about not letting it affect my family, though. but the gym; it's my haven. it's MY time...
  10. C

    pissed off need to rant

    that sucks...been there people are strange...
  11. C

    EQL - pain

    eql = the present & the future
  12. C

    is the combination of fina/prop too androgenic

    i got excellent gains from my fina/prop/winny/eq cycle. i ran like this: 6wks. fina 75mg/ed 6wks. prop 100mg/ed 6wks. winstrol 50mg/ed 6wks. eq 200mg/eod a strong, hard cycle for me. loved it!!!
  13. C

    anybody else addicted to ebay?

    yes! i found a killer deal on my newest guitar this year...i'm a lefty and it's hard to find a good 7 string to fit me... ebay has it's deals...but i try not to get too carried away
  14. C

    Some good quotes

    "I'm crushing your head!"
  15. C

    sayin G'day

    i've been to a lot of boards...MC is definately my top pick informative, nice clean atmosphere, and you don't get a lot of the BS from most other boards MC is the place to be...
  16. C

    The best looking wet pussy ever

    ughhhhh amount of test could ever justify that one.... Sicko!! heh heh