Search results

  1. Bellx1

    Sex music?

    Look up a band called Lords of Acid ;)
  2. Bellx1

    Banners what do you think

    They are .Gif format already
  3. Bellx1

    Body Piercings???

    Hoops in both ears and a stud in the left as well .. tounge, left nipple ..... and couple of tats ....
  4. Bellx1

    What "handed" are you?

    Depends on what I am doing .. somethings I can do with both ;) but I would say i am righty :)
  5. Bellx1

    You can now surf the web without leaving musclechemistry

    This is an outstanding tool that if used can give you an astonishing amout of info in an instant ... PS ... I think people are getting use to it where it is at the bottom as more and more boards add it in. Aslo, PubMed is another good one to add to the search engine options ... Some seriously...
  6. Bellx1


    Bump for a good and trusted bro ... B12 is becoming more and more common in cycles these days as we find out more and more positive aspects of it.
  7. Bellx1

    Injectable B-12 results?

    What kind is everyone who is taking it taking.. ??? oral or injectable ... what are you finding the most effective ? And when injectable are you using Vials or Amps ?
  8. Bellx1

    ? about schwartz labs?

    Bump for Schwartz .. taste is awsome !!!!
  9. Bellx1

    posting question

    LOL.... WELCOME BRO !!!!
  10. Bellx1

    29 Children's Books You'll Never See.

    LOL ... wow ... thats good stuff ... :) :) ;)
  11. Bellx1

    yo yo yo

    Sup Bigjim !!! still sporting the avatar eh' ? ... sweet
  12. Bellx1

    Arnold supporting are troops

    Arnold is just a stand up guy and genuine when he speaks ... he seems to always be involved in helping where and when it counts ... and he does not go around bragging about it .. he just does ... cause he is Arnold .... Great great man !!!
  13. Bellx1

    What does Schwartz labs protein taste like

    There stuff ROCKS !!!!! Best tasting I have found .... staw. is a little strong when you do 3 scoops and is sweet ... Vanilla is another sweet one but not to sweet and has a natural tatse to it .. Choc. is awsome ... just right .... I make shakes with 1 choc. scoop and 1 van. scoop with...
  14. Bellx1

    help me think up a new password

    use things that you can remember and associate things with ... mix numbers and letters so it is as long and random as possible
  15. Bellx1

    Summer is coming so...... who is on?

    On 10th week of 14 week cycle .... hope to have nice clear skin and some balls for the summer ;)
  16. Bellx1

    ((((About the board and traffic)))))

    Whew ... I got nervous when I could not find the board ....
  17. Bellx1

    Snowing Again!

    Ahhhh ... just rain down here ... whew ... I thought we were gonna get more ... whew !!!!
  18. Bellx1

    Attorney Rick Collins gives advice on Researchkits.

    Wow... now theres an angle I never though of comparing it to ... Thats some serious thinking there bro .... !!!
  19. Bellx1

    Do MP3 players get in the way of lifting?

    Yep ... run the wire on the inside of your shirt ... I do need to adjust where it sits on my waist during certain exesizes ... but you will get use to where to position it for each exersize and set ... You will love it .. I stay focused and pumed the whole time there !!!!
  20. Bellx1

    Can Someone PLEASE figure this out !?!?!?

    LOL... Yo .. that avatar is AWSOME !!!!!