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  1. japan69

    japan69 back pics before/after

    Hi Tony. Yes, I speak Japanese and am married to a Japanese woman. Lifestyle in Japan is pretty radically different from the lifestyle in US from my point of view... but mainly just that so much more is allowed in terms of drinking and partying and being belligerent on the streets in Tokyo...
  2. japan69

    japan69 back pics before/after

    I know it's a bad photo - the lights were out... but you can see I was able to cut down quite a bit. I lost too much mass and strength.... now I am rarin to get bulked up again. If I hadn't lost my sources I would be already!! *smile* Anyway... just thought I would update... since i have been...
  3. japan69

    water control

    Thanks for the advice all. I'm far from being competition quality now... but I am finishing up a cutting cycle and want to take some comparison photos and thought this would be good experience to try for the future if I ever get good enough to compete. Again - thanks!
  4. japan69

    water control

    i have arimidex... i could up it for the last couple days... but again... any advice would be great.
  5. japan69

    water control

    Hey all... I read that the last few days before a contest.... you should drink 8 liters for a few days, then 6 liters, then 4 liters... then the last day drink absolutely nothing for 8-10 hours before the show... but carb up that morning. I was just curious if you usually do cardio or tanning...
  6. japan69

    New Jo Lo ad

    Dude. That ain't even her body. They stuck her head onto it. Check out the proportions. Her head is way too big for that body. That said... I'd be happy to slap that ass anyway... cottage cheese and all. -j69
  7. japan69

    I need advice on how to get rid of gym distractions.

    yeah. sounds like they are being dicks. Why is going to another gym not an option? Too far? Well... I would think your own music will help if you can stand to have the MD on ya and earphones in. I'd have to agree with the women comment. They are my only distraction, as well. All the japanese...
  8. japan69


    are you sure its smaller? I mean - did you measure it before and after? Where is your objective categorical evidence of shrinkage? Maybe your body is getting bigger and it just looks smaller. I wouldn't go tellin people its smaller in front of "him". "he" might get a complex and shrink up...
  9. japan69

    Critique my workout routine

    i do that, too... gee, why don't I look like Ronnie? *smile*
  10. japan69

    Injection Question

    I would try to not hit the same spot more than 1 time per week. Use other spots... delts, gluts, quads are all easy.
  11. japan69

    LoRd Of ThE RiNgS 2

    Don't see where the confusion lies, Al... watch the movies. Frodo and Sam are ready to jump down each other's pants throughout most of it... most of the other guys stare longingly into another guy's eyes at some point... they're all crying left and right. You can't make the story any more gay...
  12. japan69

    Cough while on gear???

    I found the same thing on Sust/EQ, but I wasn't convinced it was from the gear... Certainly no one else had heard of it.
  13. japan69

    LoRd Of ThE RiNgS 2

    That's what I hear... December just like the last two. Two Towers best thing was definitely Gollum, IMHO. Sybil had nuthin on him.... talk about split personality. I loved how they switched cameras when he was arguing with himself. I have to say though... I'm pretty sick of every guy crying in...
  14. japan69

    pains in ankles and wrists.

    I have the same thing... I hear winny is often the culprit. I'm also on Prop and Winny and feeling the same thing... pain in joints... wrists, knees, ankles, especially. At least for me, it's fine to just stick it out. -j69
  15. japan69

    Getting rid of the last bit of fat... HOW?!?

    Thanks for all the advice, guys. You guys are great. I'll keep pluggin away for the next 4 weeks... and then if I don't see anything that satisfies me I'll look for alternatives. I agree that tapping into Skip and dpsquat's expertise would be a good idea if I don't get where I want in the next...
  16. japan69

    Getting rid of the last bit of fat... HOW?!?

    Yeah.... everything I have read says it works... but it is pretty dangerous. Thanks, but I think I will hold off on the DNP for a while. *smile*
  17. japan69

    FinaDick, DecaDick-What gear is good at Leaving your Dick alone or even make it work

    As everyone said.... go with Testosterone. Your dick will not only be fine, you will become the Punisher... women will be holding you off with cattle prods... ENjoy.
  18. japan69

    Getting rid of the last bit of fat... HOW?!?

    Yes, I'm on Clen for 2 weeks, then ECA 2 weeks... then Clen... then ECA... I'm currently in Week 4 of that. No T3... decided to not mess with that this time. -j69
  19. japan69

    Do you guys inject your pecs?

    Quads are easy to see and easy to aspirate, but they hurt the most for me. I still do them - but they are the only place I ever have probs. Delts are a piece of cake, too. Just think... that's where the doc always shoots ya. I only do 1cc into the delts tho. -j69 btw... I also enjoyed the...
  20. japan69

    How much do you curl(STRICT FORM) for biceps?

    I love working bis... all sorts of fun stuff. I used to do a lot of Gable sets with a partner. those kill ya on anything. (Pick a straight bar and a certain weight and do 1 rep then give to your partner. He does 1 rep. You trade off doing 2 reps, 3 reps, etc up to 10 and back down to 1 rep...