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  1. Skip

    cycle Q for a MOD or experienced competitor

    Mid - you are a little annoying but in a fun sort of way. hehe Skip
  2. Skip

    here goes Skip

    Wait, this has been up for most of the week? DG, you are a dick. :D Skip
  3. Skip

    here goes Skip

    Thank you, Saturn. At least SOMEONE sees my potential. :) DG, you are too much, bro. LMAO!! Skip
  4. Skip

    Maybe Just Maybe...

    This is true, Sweat, but on the other hand, the mods are in a tough spot and have to answer to a lot of customers lately. We have basically been forced to respond openly. Skip
  5. Skip

    Will the real Shredz please stand up!!!

    Good to have you here, bro. Skip
  6. Skip

    Were can I get IGF-1 LR3?

    From all of the info that I have received and I have received information from people who will remain anonymous, IGF is basically gone with the exception of quantity that may be left over and some ballsy company might want to try and sell it "under the radar" so-to-speak. However, if you see...
  7. Skip

    lets talk water

    I was unaware that they have not been testing. Are they SAYING that they are testing but simply aren't?? DPtwat: you be nice, bro. :D I still wonder if you think I crapped on you and simply cut you out but I am telling you, bro, I really didn't - even though it may have looked that way...
  8. Skip

    lets talk water

    Big R beat me to it.... again. hehe I agree 100% BUT I would wonder if using cytadren would take care of keeping him dry with the added stress. Does he use cytadren or would he be willing to use it? Also, I would be leary of him finishing in the top 3 if he is using diuretics. As far as I...
  9. Skip

    NO rec. drug talk at all...

    We have a policy of zero tolerance for rec. drug talk here at MC. I do know that other boards have similar stances and still allow some selective posting of rec. drugs but we do not. I don't care if you post that your grandma got into your stash and ODd while naked on your living room couch...
  10. Skip

    6 monther ???

    Keep us posted but I think you will be just fine and you will be glad that you ran it as long as you did. Skip
  11. Skip

    6 monther ???

    Yes, but you aren't competitive, are you? As a competitive bodybuilder, being on for longer periods is much more beneficial and rarely does someone that is competing, get tired of the cycle length. Pump, I somehow have skipped over this thread quite a few times as I guess it didn't jump out...
  12. Skip

    For those with kids....

    Not only the fattest but the country with the most people on diets and we also have the world whipped by how much we spend on diet and weight loss supplements every year. That should say something, huh? You only hear what you want to hear. Skip
  13. Skip

    homonunculus-question for you and others

    My opinion is that there comes a point where we tend to overanalyze everything. Not at all a flame but I used to look into things like this years ago and it seemed I was using more energy researching and thinking than I was busting my ass in the gym. Skip
  14. Skip

    What do YOU say?...

    Wow, I guess I never really thought about it but I have a few "turbo gay" comments that I mumble (barely audible): When chasing a PR, I say "Ripley won't believe this one". Pressing or squats it is always "solid base, keep em tight, strong ouf of the hole". dumbell presses while they are in...
  15. Skip


    Aromasin is not something that you want to take for a long period of time as it wipes out ALL estrogen. It is best used for the last 7-14 days before a show. If you need something for a longer period of time but stronger than arimidex, go with femara. However, femara is strong shit, too, so...
  16. Skip

    For those with kids....

    I have found this with my kids, also. We have McDonald's Day once a week and they would ask everyday if it was McDonald's Day. When it finally would roll around, they would eat half of their meal. Now, we go to KFC (not great but better) and they eat a little more. When my wife wants them to...
  17. Skip

    Flat Bench Press......... Over rated??

    I bench. If I start with dumbell flat, I go with incline bar and the other way around. I am not one that feels front delt stress or tri stress from it, all that much. supersport made a few good points about form but he left one out that is very important: The scapula HAVE to be pulled...
  18. Skip

    I found the secret

    They do. Skip
  19. Skip

    First board you found on the internet

    BWAHAHAHAHA!!! You liar. That board was hillarious. Unmoderated and nothing but a bunch of 16 year olds. I used to laugh my ass off at what they had posted there. Skip
  20. Skip

    Guess what this post is about.....

    I am too old to give any helpful input, I think. I will say that you are still young, single and chasing ass so it should be alot of fun. Personally, I would cancel the party, save the cash and go stock up on gear but, hey, that wouldn't be much fun, would it?? Good luck and be safe. Some...