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  1. N

    does this make sence? 1cc per week of test cyp?

    Okay guys, its been a while i've been doing my research and I've learned a lot, now heres my question..on the bottle it says exp date is 07-04, however on the LABEL of the bottle it says Test CYP exp date of 12-31-03, you think It's too late to start using it?? Does it really go bad after that...
  2. N

    does this make sence? 1cc per week of test cyp?

    It doesn't seem like oil because when I turn the bottle, it doesn't coat the bottle like oil will..its more watery I sticks to the side a little but not a whole lot..its almost the color of a real light pale yellow urine
  3. N

    does this make sence? 1cc per week of test cyp?

    Okay guys I went and bought it..:( I know stupid move, but now I know has a exp date of 07/04 on it, so I guess I can hold onto it til then...Its just that this dude is pretty big and "seemed" to know his stuff..I guess not:o It's just that I have NO idea where I can get some legit...
  4. N

    does this make sence? 1cc per week of test cyp?

    hey man, chill out about the spoon feeding thing. Is 200mg, one cc? cause on the bottle it says 200mg/ml.Then you all are saying 200ml a week..why throw it down the drain? not enough? .I'm just confused, I'm trying to do some research, but with work and family..its hard to spend a great deal of...
  5. N

    does this make sence? 1cc per week of test cyp?

    Maybe my friend is a total idiot, but he says to get a 10cc bottle of Testosterone cypionate for 220bucks, shoot 1cc a week for 10 weeks..all I see on here is ml and mg..on the bottle it says 200ml/mg..does this sound right, I'm thinking of taking it if he is legit in a few months here when my...
  6. N

    newbie here, have a few questions about first cycle..

    Hey, thanks a million guys! I really appreciate the info. I told my buddy about this site and the advise, he said he'll check it out:cool: He also said he can get me a good hook up on "Deca" I dont see anyone on here really talk about it, but he talks like it's the next best thing to D-bol..You...
  7. N

    newbie here, have a few questions about first cycle..

    No I dont think I have reached my best natural potential at all. When I was 17 yrs old, 205lbs in 11th grade I was benching 330..I've been slacking off lately, basically working all crazy hours and being lazy..I'm not down with the lingo yet so what does mean? 200mg every other day of test...
  8. N

    newbie here, have a few questions about first cycle..

    Hey guys, I've been here only for a few days but I've been reading a lot on here. I've learned very much, but I need your help. okay, here's the deal..I'm 21yrs old , 6'1 230lbs..I played football in HS..O-line. I had a offer to play at Maryland but turned it down because of stupid reasons. I've...