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  1. mark mcgwire

    new member needs advice

    Fiber, Tren will give you good quality gains that you should be able to keep after your cycle is over. Also, you will have little to no water retention. This will work well to help you cut up as well!! Good luck cutting and hope to see you around after this place goes away. Mark
  2. mark mcgwire

    tren ?

    dc - make sure you aspirate when you shoot the tren (you should aspirate always) otherwise if you get some tren into a blood vessel, even a tiny amount it's something you won't ever forget. unfortunately it's bound to happen, and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about when it happens.
  3. mark mcgwire

    D-BOL--another question,sorry...,

    damnit tugs, no more dbol're clearly over your monthly allotment!!! :D j/k!!! I'm glad you ask these questions I would have told you the same thing as crank and ss. take it every day and split the dose up during the day. if you have the slightest concern about your liver...
  4. mark mcgwire

    Using chains to workout

    ahh...makes more sense for top end power you're correct. I knew that the more chain off the floor meant the heavier it got, but I guess I wasn't thinking when I said "power out of the hole" lol!!
  5. mark mcgwire

    new member needs advice

    Well he's my idea for you. I don't see a problem with you running 750-1000 mg of test with Eq (i'd run 400 mg /week) for 8 weeks. You can add an anti-e like arimidex to help reduce the bloat. For the cutting part of this cycle you may want to consider adding tren (approx 75mg eod) to the prop...
  6. mark mcgwire

    Using chains to workout

    when i first saw you responded to this i was scared to look. i thought you'd come in and post something about chains in the!!!
  7. mark mcgwire

    Hockey Fans

    I went to an AHL hockey the other night and saw a good fight between a rookie and a proven NHL enforcer. There's a rookie here name Brandon Sugden and he's the enforcer. He's described as a better fighter than skater......he an excellent fighter....probably the best i've seen in years. he's...
  8. mark mcgwire

    tren ?

    i moved this thread for you so you'll get more responses from everyone. let's here some answers guys.
  9. mark mcgwire

    Using chains to workout

    Has anyone used chains to help increase strength and power out of the hole?? The new gym I'm at has chains that you can attach to the barbell and I see a couple of guys using it. I know powerlifters tend to use techniques like this but what about bb'ers?? I have no idea what they weigh...
  10. mark mcgwire

    d bol question

    i think i need some of those calming pills, i've been a little tense lately. :)
  11. mark mcgwire

    Kidrok - Get your rest tonight!!!!!

    blah, blah, blah......:D
  12. mark mcgwire

    2-1/2 weeks to the Arnold

    uh oh.....suzyq, ccapel, kr, & krl in the same town for the weekend....:eek: suzyq...make sure you bring bail money for kr & the wife.....better yet make the bail money all one's just in case you need to stop by one of those "strip places" :D :D have fun!!
  13. mark mcgwire

    peanut butter lovers read this

    Hi I'm skullkrusher and i'm a peanutbutteraholic. It's been 1 day since i've had my last spoonful. :D :D
  14. mark mcgwire

    Test Only Cycle

    winnie great question. i've done test only cycles early in my aas! this was mainly due to lack of knowledge and access to other stuff. i did have good results, because i was new to aas but because the amounts were small (i think 200 mg per week of steris cyp) i don't think i'd...
  15. mark mcgwire

    Do you get grief from your friends when your on a diet??

    I went to a hockey game the other night and started looking around for extremely obese people. I'm still amazed at how many people are obese, not out of shape but actually at a dangerous level of obesity.
  16. mark mcgwire

    Kidrok - Get your rest tonight!!!!!

    Well, I'm hear to let everyone know that KR isn't as bad as everyone thinks lol!!! i sent him home puking.....he couldn't even finish the workout tonight. :D i'll let him comment on the workout tonight.....and if he doesn't i'll make something up. shredz - here's tonight's workout. we've...
  17. mark mcgwire

    new member needs advice

    fiber we need to know what your aas experience has been before we can give you any ideas.
  18. mark mcgwire

    drug test

    exactly what everyone else said. this is a question that gets asked every so often and the answer is usually the same as the guys posted for you. bilter thanks for adding the ephedra piece here, I hadn't hear that one before.
  19. mark mcgwire

    cutting ?

    bump let's here the stats, there's lots of knowledgable people here to help you.