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  1. sundevil

    Read this lab report!!!!!!

    Thanks Modizzle, Great little article. Chris
  2. sundevil

    How much testesterone is produced by the body??

    Hi Modizzle, the Y axis shows multiples of Base testosterone level and the X axis show the number of days elapsed since the shot. Chris
  3. sundevil

    Help w/ arms.

    Generally speaking I agree. The only exception is for the long head and lateral of the triceps, the muscles that droop on some womens' arms as they age. The long head and lateral head of the triceps really only respond well to heavy weight. So , in the case of these particular muscles, you...
  4. sundevil

    How much testesterone is produced by the body??

    Here is a chart showing blood levels for an admistration of one 140 mg shot of test cyp or test enth.
  5. sundevil

    Money or Muscles?

    Much more to life than money. It has become cliche to say that if you don't have your health, you don't have anything. However, it is true. The lifestyle has value and the results have enormous value. In addition, bodybuilding is recreation for me -- like meditation or praying to some...
  6. sundevil

    Help w/ arms.

    I train a lot more women than men so let me drop in my 2 cents even though this is the female forum. Legs should be a dominant focus for you because you indicate it is a weak bodypart and because it is a great place for a female to gain a little muscle mass that will help with your basal...
  7. sundevil

    Best/Strong points of body?

    Best (grows easiest and looks best) shoulders and legs Worst: Lower back, Obliques
  8. sundevil

    Christmas Gifts for Musclemen ??

    Bodybuilders and Powerlifters are easy to shop for -- so many goodies and so little money. Here are a few ideas Bodyfat calipers Resistance bands Lifting gloves High quality shorts, tanks, and sweats MP3 player Good headphones for an MP3 player Blender Fitness ball
  9. sundevil

    How much do you pay for the gym ?

    I live in Northern California (SF Bay area). I mention this for 2 reasons. 1st, prices here are high. Second, there is a high demand for gyms here due to the lifestyle and that keeps prices high. I belong to 2 gyms, At Golds I pay $32 month for all club access. There was no fee to join...
  10. sundevil

    3rd cycle help

    Presser's advice is golden bro. You have the makings of a nice cutting cycle or a nice lean mass cycle there. I would only add 1 item. Is the tren purchased already mixed in oil, made from fina, or made from powder? This is important because usually when people make tren from fina or from...
  11. sundevil

    can you help me?i lost interest in.....

    My first thought was that perhaps you aren't meeting the right kind of chicks :D . 1. Assuming you are talking about attractive young ladies (if you are in HK you must be) then here are my thoughts. 2. On cycle, should be no problem with test. If that don't do it see #1. 3. Off cycle...
  12. sundevil

    Nautilus Gym Equipment

    I think any good gym has a mixture of machines and free weights. While free weights and cables form the core of a good workout; machines are important too -- whether for isolation or for mixing things up. In fact, some body parts really should have a machine supplementing free weights to get a...
  13. sundevil

    do you add egg whites to your shake?

    I buy the egg whites from egg beaters and just drink them from the carton
  14. sundevil

    Where are all ya from.......

    For the last 6 years I have called California home. Before that, Phoenix.
  15. sundevil

    Baseball Post Season (1 of 2)

    Amazing and wonderful. Coming back from three game to none is incredible. Doing against the Yankees at Yankee Stadium is priceless.
  16. sundevil

    Tren injection problem

    Let me ask you a question partner. Are you running the tren alone, or with some test? It is usually a good idea to run some test with it -- me I like tren/prop. Here is why I ask. I always mix the tren and the test in the pin. The oil from the test will help to smooth out your tren...
  17. sundevil

    Baseball Post Season (1 of 2)

    I haven't given up hope yet either. But I always remember that they are heartbreakers and not to get too emotionally involved.
  18. sundevil

    Advantage of natural PB??

    I love it too.
  19. sundevil

    Baseball Post Season (2 of 2)

    I would love to see the Red Sox win but things are pretty dark right now. I probably should have put a category for anybody but the Yankees, but I forgot.