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  1. Mr. Bates

    First board you found on the internet

    First Board Gade and UG! First bro I ever spoke with was Big A. We had pretty much joined the gade on the same day. What a freakin' coincidence. We've kept in touch every since.
  2. Mr. Bates

    Protien Levels

    SM Yes, I've found my weight varies with my protein intake. If Im losing weight to quickly I just up it by 50 g for a few days and see what happens. When my weight stabilizes I just do a little more cardio to compensate.
  3. Mr. Bates

    What are you reading??

    Funny thing is bro I use to hate to read, but find I enjoy it alot more now than I ever did.
  4. Mr. Bates

    What are you reading??

    Chris Aceto's "Championship Bodybuilding" and the new Author L Rea book Building the Perfect Beast.:o Oh also forgot 5th Edition of Guides to the Evaluation of permanent impairment......HOW EXCITING!:(
  5. Mr. Bates

    Author L Rea's Big Fat Bastard Cycle

    Must be nice instynt. If Im correct your older, right? Im sure it took quite a while to actually change and alter your metabolism to that point. I've always had a slower metabolism, so Im considering all options. Like I stated above, I really just like learning more than anything. Thanks...
  6. Mr. Bates

    Author L Rea's Big Fat Bastard Cycle

    Thanks Ray! Although I dont consider myself overly knowledgable about all AAS, I would like to think I am a little. I've been doing this for a while and have only tried slin once (for a week). I didn't particularly like the feeling/light-headedness and thats with taking in quite a few carbs...
  7. Mr. Bates

    Author L Rea's Big Fat Bastard Cycle

    What Im getting from this is say for a 200 lb'r you would take in 600 g of protein and only around 150 g carbs post workout, with EFA's thrown into the mix. I guess what Im asking is with taking insulin, will the excessive protein act/convert to carbs thus making the insulin effective w/o tons...
  8. Mr. Bates

    Author L Rea's Big Fat Bastard Cycle

    Been doing some research on this cycle. Anyone have any experience or first hand knowledge of the application? Looks like its mainly high protein with just a little bit of carbs post-w/o. All so you wont be a fat bastard!
  9. Mr. Bates

    Muscle Chesmistry Sponsoring me for the Mr. Minnesota

    PA Congrats buddy. Haven't talked to you in a while. Both of us competed I think 2 years ago and then it seems both of us fell off the map. Hope the prep goes well and Im sure Skip will take good care of you!
  10. Mr. Bates

    Eating for size

    Bump For old issues
  11. Mr. Bates

    Additional entertainment at the Arnold Classic

    Columbus Gold CG's seems to have the best performers and is in a decent place. Rachel's is OK but off the path a bit.
  12. Mr. Bates

    Nice change of pace

    Thats OK DG Thats what Mr. Bates is short for IMO.....or at least what my wife calls me....LOL. Thanks all.
  13. Mr. Bates

    Nice change of pace

    Ah A fellow TNT watcher? Thanks guys. Now just gonna have to spend a boat load of time getting to know everyone..........good thing I dont have a whole lot else to do!
  14. Mr. Bates

    Nice change of pace

    I haven't been to this board in a while. Looks like you all have grown quite a bit and have a lot of decent members. Alot of drama going on lately on some other boards so this is a nice change of pace. A friendly atmostphere, now there is something I haven't seen in a while. Take care you...
  15. Mr. Bates

    Another pic and introduction

    Jake Steed Where you from? Maybe we know each other some how?
  16. Mr. Bates

    Pro Bodybuilders blocky waists

    Finally somebody gets my lame as jokes. Thansk Presser!
  17. Mr. Bates

    Pro Bodybuilders blocky waists

    many possible reasons I think the fact that these guys force feed and get extremely large in the off-season has a lot to do with it. All the food expands the fascia of the abdominal area, just like a muscle. Also like others said Gh, slin, etc. Im starting to think its from a combinations of...
  18. Mr. Bates

    Another pic and introduction

    Thanks guys That pic was taken late at night after my 2nd show. I had already started to smooth over quite a bit, and didn't hit the pose fully. As for my legs, I know they are small. I had hurt my knee 16 weeks prior to the show and couldn't squat/hack/leg press heavier than warm-up weight...
  19. Mr. Bates

    Another pic and introduction

    Just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to all. Been on the boards on and off for 4-5 years. Just looking as always to fuel my aresenal of knowledge as much as possible. Here's a pic of me from a couple years ago. I've been a little slack lately, but will be picking it back up soon...