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  1. P

    Vi-Aqua information

    has anyone ordered the vi-aqua from the mc site? it doesnt say how many caps come per bottle? what was your experiences on the product?
  2. P

    M1t question

    yea still waiting for mine (4AD) bump for other peoples experiences i think im going to switch to taking 1 hour before workout
  3. P

    M1t question

    figure ill keep everyone updated (for those who care to see different results) todays the first day lifting on m1t.. so far no major differences, no crazy pumps or anything... think im going to jump up to 30mg in the next few days also adding 4ad in the mix tomorrow (didnt come in mail yet)
  4. P

    M1t question

    what kind of resuts are you getting? good and bad? i hear it blows up your face pretty bad.. from a few reviews.. thats one thing i dont want.. but i'll be running eca with yohimbine hcl
  5. P

    M1t question

    just read somewhere that taking it at night before bed stops the lethargy anyone try this ? im at work now havent been able to move for hours keep closing my eyes
  6. P

    M1t question

    thanks for good info! are you stacking it with anything?
  7. P

    M1t question

    i have not enough knowledge yet.. but it seems not many do my weighht is higher so i started today with 20 nothing noticible yet as far as effects go i am feeling sort of tired.. but thats how i always feel on sundays im going to do 20 this week and push to 30 what kind of results are you...
  8. P

    Free Caffeine & Free Methyl-5aa

    nice!!! will be placing another order next week
  9. P

    m1t / eca

    this may not make much sense... but is it ok to mix eca with m1t/4ad i want to get gains but not in bf too any suggestions?
  10. P

    M1t question

    damn 75 - 100 thats alot i am doing 10 today... after how many days should i feel it kicking in? i think im going to start off on 20mg ed
  11. P

    M1t question

    thanks for info... what is a good time of day to take it though?
  12. P

    M1t question

  13. P

    M1t question

    I just got my M1T in the mail today Has anyone cycled it, what were your results? What is the best time of the day to take it? I am stacking with 4AD and adding milk thistle along with usual protien, multivitamins.. is that a good combo?
  14. P

    (((((Win Free M1t and Methyl-D Supplements Lottery!!!!))))))

    where can i actually buy this at if i dont win?
  15. P

    maybe this is old news

    ok thanks for info is there any other places to order
  16. P

    maybe this is old news

    do you know when it will be back up
  17. P

    maybe this is old news

    but i tried going to lab**** to order clen and have been directed here where can i go to order it?
  18. P

    Beginner pics

    I just invited someone to sign up.. but his username "Phase" wouldnt work so im posting for him... Please give criticism and bf% if possible...