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  1. H

    Free Lottery - Free Supplements to the Winner

    691 Because 69ing with a hot chick's ass in your face is #1!!:D HugeTITAN295
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    TeamLifeResearch? Anyone try them?

    Investigated for WHAT?:confused:
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    TeamLifeResearch? Anyone try them?

    Wondering if anyone's tried them out. Thanks.
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    Body Opus Diet

    There are two problems here......#1- Ketosis slows your natural thyroid down QUICK......#2- DNP does the same. The solution....I would recommend that you bump up the T-3 to at least 75mcg a day, 100mcg a day optimally. Now, i dont know if you are using AAS with this diet, you didnt...
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    Body Opus Diet

    Sweatmachine....... If i might add, this diet also worked for me as well. But, there's a few "spins and twists" to make it more effective..... #1.....Instead of hammering down burgers and hot dogs, you can keep the diet "cleaner" by eating leaner protein sources...
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    Virtual Bodybuilder

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    9 weeks out and its looking GOOD!!

    And not to forget, i'm representing MC at this show as well! :) For those that want to attend, its the 2004 NPC New Jersey State Championships April 3rd, 2004.
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    9 weeks out and its looking GOOD!!

    Welllllllllllll...... I'm 9 weeks and ONE day out from my show April 3rd. Took my stats today and the wife took pics as well, which will be posted here as soon as we pick them up from being developed Saturday. Current stats: Height: 6'5"...
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    Using SLIN (Hum-R) to hasten KETOSIS

    BUMP.....c'mon bros....need some help over here...
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    time of day for T3

    Yes...... Your largest dosage should be first thing in the A.M. For instance, if your taking 100mcg/day, you would take 50mcg first thing in the A.M., then 25mcg mid-afternoon and another 25mcg approx. an hour before you hit the sheets at night. Its best to take it 3 times a day...
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    Using SLIN (Hum-R) to hasten KETOSIS

    Using 3-5 iu's every 3 hours or so on Sundays along with MCT oil and very little protein to hasten Ketosis. Works well, i get into ketosis within 10 hours or so (not deep ketosis, but the next level after "trace" ketones on the Ketostix, kinda like a darker "pink") By Tuesday i'm usually in a...
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    Using SLIN (Hum-R) to hasten KETOSIS

    Ok...... I'm currently using the "BodyOpus" diet by Dan Duchaine to drop the last few pounds of stubborn bodyfat enroute to my upcoming show April 3rd. A few questions arise in the area of hastening ketosis. First, on Sunday carbs are stopped approximately 12pm-1pm. Now, using...
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    Sharp's Disposal By Mail System ....

    Geez.....just flush em' down the frickin' TOILET! LOL!......Damn, everybody has to be so damn technical these days. Either take them apart and flush them down the crapper....or take a week's worth at a time and flush them down the toilet at the gym. My gym has these "power flush" toilets it...
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    Getting a job as a bouncer....?????

    Bro....i couldnt have said it better myself!!! Hell, i've bounced for 10+ years in the North Jersey-New York City area. All kinds of assholes walking in and outta the place. JUst like Sweatmachine said, be AGGRESSIVE....DO NOT take any back-mouth.....DO NOT take "just give me 5 minutes" and all...
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    legal, Legit and 100% Gear...,

    Sounds interesting, but i doubt if they'll write out a script for a gram+ of test a week LOL.....If that were possible, i'd be there in the clinic within the hour. :D HugeTITAN295
  16. H

    For ALL who are competing/attending the NPC NJ State Championships......

    UPDATE...... The OFFICIAL site for the NPC NJ States is Kenilworth High School, Saturday April 3rd, 2004. Talked to John Kemper today and that is the official site for all those who are going to attend/compete. HugeTITAN295
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    For ALL who are competing/attending the NPC NJ State Championships......

    Awesome bro! I'll be in the SuperHeavy bout you? See ya there and best of luck bro! HugeTITAN295
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    15 weeks out and right on target!!

    Thanks Presser! Thats my goal bro.....take the SuperHeavy/Overall and REALLY put on the map! HugeTITAN295
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    15 weeks out and right on target!!

    Hey all! As most of you know, i'm fortunate to have MC sponsor me for my show, the 2004 NPC New Jersey State Championships on April 3rd. As of right now, its EXACTLY 15 weeks away, and i'm down to 289lbs and plan on being 272-274 (i'm 6'5") onstage April 3rd. I'm really pulling out all the stops...