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  1. sweatmachine

    Two weird body irritants

    dont lance anything!!!!!!!! I lanced a bump in my finger once and the doctor told me I came close to losing it. I ended up with cellulitous and scar tissue in the nerve. He did a liitle surgery and now its fine. Get this >>I got the original injury to my finger wrapping my wifes knees at a...
  2. sweatmachine

    GH dosages

  3. sweatmachine


    I think its far from an easy way to reduce bodyfat! It sounds very painful. Ive lived in the pacific north west and the ocean is 55f there. You cant stay in it for more than a couples minutes, and it actually hurts to wade in it! BUT if you have a tub that you can fill up with ice, you will at...
  4. sweatmachine

    Using chains to workout

    there seems to be some subliminal eroticism floating around these days.... nice.
  5. sweatmachine

    Using chains to workout

    The idea behind chains is the closer you are to locking out the weight the heavier the chains get, because theyre hangin from the bar to the ground. Its a way to increase the top end of your lift, not coming out of the hole. Its the same concept as box squats, kind of. as far as Bodybuilding>...
  6. sweatmachine

    we need sweatmachine....

    What the? Huh? My head is spinning now..... We have no kids, I dont know who Lanina is My wife ISNT a phenominal cook (I wish) She damn sure aint Irish (nothing wrong with Irish) Ive have no clue who gypsymoth is. Is there another conversation going on that I am only getting pieces of...
  7. sweatmachine

    Uping the clen dose?

    SuperClen....... Im use to it now! 1 week on 1 week off, the shakes and dry mouth dont bother me anymore.... Maybe I should up the dose.....naaaaah
  8. sweatmachine

    My toys...

    I agree with FB
  9. sweatmachine

    Gh is finally here

    Lets just say the first atempt didnt make the journey over the sea... the second attempt did. So as you can imagine it ended up costing me almost twice as much in the end..... Im kinda pissed about that. I can get it here cheaper tha that, but I was trying to save some $$. Next time I just...
  10. sweatmachine

    Went shopping today . . .

    I figured you were gonna tell us you spent 300$ at Victorias Secret...oh well. I guess a gym machine is kinda cool too.....
  11. sweatmachine

    peanut butter lovers read this

    all things being equal, Im just starving and like peanutbutter.....I have no other agenda or motivation, HELL, I dont even have a good peanutbutter story.....
  12. sweatmachine

    benched 365 last night...

    beware the bad shoulders
  13. sweatmachine

    Gh is finally here

  14. sweatmachine

    Gh is finally here

    I could tell you a sad story about what Ive gone through to get this shit.... but I'll save you the misery. But, finally ....I have all this shit in hand. Gentlemen, Ive started my engine.
  15. sweatmachine

    Daytona 500

    we had the Jumbotron straight in front of us! missed nothing
  16. sweatmachine

    What's your preference?

    Otomix for me
  17. sweatmachine

    Your Steak?

    grilled Med rare Ribeye please
  18. sweatmachine

    benched 365 last night...

    I stay FAR away from the bench press! Ive had severe AC injuries in both shoulders from flat bench. AND>> Ive seen many people tear pecs doing bench presses, and no you dont have to use heavy weight to tear a pec! My buddy benched in the mid 500's and tore the F out of his pec doing 385 on his...
  19. sweatmachine

    GH dosages

    Ive always used 4IU of GH EOD. Might it be better to use 5IU 5 days on/ 2 days off for cutting? Or does it mattter????? Little Help here!