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  1. kidrok's lady

    Ladies ~ How do you NOT bulk up?

    I used to resist my hubby when he would tell me, "If you want to loose weight, you have to eat!" I thought he was nuts. I used to skip a meal here 'n there -- wahla, 5 lbs gone. lol What I didn't know was that I was telling my body that I'm starving it. By doing that, your body will hold...
  2. kidrok's lady

    we need sweatmachine....

    Just slightly lost here. Yup, I've seen his wife. He has many, many pics posted on this board. I'm not sure who Lanina is. Sounds beautiful. The part I'm confused about......maybe I missed who you are. So you are in FL near sweat?
  3. kidrok's lady

    Using chains to workout

    :laugh: Laughing too much to respond. Damit....still hurts to laugh! {{{{LOL, I like this board you guys are a bunch of fun. at the state... i'm in anything is possible....}}}} So tell me, what does this mean? I'm reading a lot into it! ;-)
  4. kidrok's lady

    2-1/2 weeks to the Arnold

    OOOOooooooo......a Strip Club Virgin!! I would love to take you to one with us. I can make it fun most times. :D Hubby gets upset that the girls pay more attention to me than him.
  5. kidrok's lady

    Kidrok - Get your rest tonight!!!!!

    :angry: :curse: :evil: :upset: BRAT!!
  6. kidrok's lady

    walking lunges

    I was up to using 10
  7. kidrok's lady

    My toys...

    FAT BOY........the ultimate Harley! V-Rod.....ick! Look too space age or something. No offence.
  8. kidrok's lady

    Using chains to workout

    Silly me, I thought the chains were just so that the holders weren't stolen!
  9. kidrok's lady

    2-1/2 weeks to the Arnold

    Planned a month or so ago. Where u been?!? :p
  10. kidrok's lady

    peanut butter lovers read this

    You guys are too funny. I used to eat that yearrrrssss ago before I started reading lables!!
  11. kidrok's lady

    Kidrok - Get your rest tonight!!!!! wish it was you that did it to him! Poor guy is mixing a cpl of thermogenics I think. (Please don't quote me.) He came home & hit the couch. He went to bed a 1/2 hr ago. He'll be back to finish tomorrow or Sun.
  12. kidrok's lady

    Do you get grief from your friends when your on a diet??

    Did you get your present tonite? :pleased: So are your boyfriends missing you? Awwww. LOL Why don't you go out once in a while & order something you can eat. And give them hell or call me & I'll yell at them. There are a lot of people out there that don't understand what they are doing to...
  13. kidrok's lady

    diet question

    Ahhh, something I've been doing right! lol I always do the weights before the cardio. I was being very consistant & dropped 4-5 lbs. I have trouble noticing differences in the mirror so I weigh myself. KR says he sees changes. I have been off all week due to surgery & didn't worry too...
  14. kidrok's lady

    A Great Vitamin

    How strong are they? I take a child's vitamen every day. My body just can't handle as much as other adults. (Makes me sound so young doesn't it? LOL)
  15. kidrok's lady

    KRL - Just Wanted to Know . . .

    But.....will the strippers be gentle?!?!? :eek:
  16. kidrok's lady

    Welcome NikeGoddess...

    KRL wonders to herself.......why does he want to see pics? Hmmmmmmm?
  17. kidrok's lady

    we need sweatmachine....

    OOoooo.......think I'm in trouble.
  18. kidrok's lady

    Went shopping today . . .

    what exactly does it do?
  19. kidrok's lady


    Not funny.