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  1. Centaur

    New Swedish member

    Nice "wheels" and "traps" bro!
  2. Centaur

    Eating for size

    Excellent article! Very motivational! Thanks bro!
  3. Centaur

    Your Steak?

    Medium-rare porterhouse
  4. Centaur

    What's your preference?

    Do any of you prefer boots over sneakers when you workout legs? I like to wear Magnums when I squat.
  5. Centaur

    Welcome NikeGoddess...

    Oooohhhhh......and they are very nice pics!:D
  6. Centaur

    The first good morning

    Only you jaywooly would be up at 1am and it's not even the weekend yet. LOL!
  7. Centaur

    Kidrok - Get your rest tonight!!!!!

    Good luck KR.............look's like you're in for a rough day tomorrow!
  8. Centaur

    benched 365 last night...

    I maxed out 6 weeks ago on flat bench and hit 385 for 2 and 405 for 1. I'm now on a new diet with less carbs and increased protein...Lost some size, but have more definition. Hopefully after this 12 week training cycle I'll still be able to push 400. I have 10 weeks left. Good luck on 400...
  9. Centaur

    Labcorp and presser and everyone

    As always strider.....your "to the point". Thanks bro!
  10. Centaur

    Maybe Just Maybe...

    I definitely agree with SM on this...........let's not "push buttons".
  11. Centaur

    Virtual Bodybuilder

    Me neither bro...........
  12. Centaur

    2-1/2 weeks to the Arnold

    KR...........Speaking of "freebies"......bring me back a glossy photo of any of those fitness babes! Ya know...........for motivation:cool:
  13. Centaur

    we need sweatmachine....

    Re: Re: we need sweatmachine.... LOL............How about pics of you and my gf?
  14. Centaur

    Valentine's Day

    Yeah...did KR mention that I'm your masseuse :eek:
  15. Centaur

    we need sweatmachine....

    Your the best bro!
  16. Centaur

    Musclechemistry WOW!!

    Welcome to MC AC!
  17. Centaur

    Welcome NikeGoddess...

    She's a good friend of mine from the gym with alot of experience and knowledge in women's fitness. Please give her a warm welcome. *Crank, she is sorry.:p
  18. Centaur

    My new avatar

    Great job with the Lat-width bro. Keep it up!
  19. Centaur

    How much cardio?

    Cardio: You need to do at least 15 minutes for a proper response to aerobic activity. During the anticipatory phase your heart rate will increase and blood vessels will dialate, then the steady phase kicks in allowing your heart rate to stabilize and muscles to become more efficient in O2...
  20. Centaur

    BP check us brothers great information!