
  1. D

    Steroid Cycle test deca Cycle thoughts ?

    So guys looking to add size, I'm a big fan of tren, noting like tren , its magic! However hard to put on size with tren compare to deca for me. never ran test e more than 600mg a week so what do u think ? So my next cycle seems to be the following but hapy to change whatsoever. Week 1-4...
  2. Tuffie

    Tuffie first cycle runnin' test e

    Waddduhp again, MC. This time i have everything planned and purchased... just waiting for the Arimidex and HCG to arrive before i start... On hand i have TEST E (Pharma grade BAYER), LGD (MC), OSTARINE (MC), CARDARINE (MC), MK 677 (HGH was to expensive..).. currently taking MK677 the past month...
  3. blacktail

    January cycle thoughts

    Ok working on my January cycle and would like some input. 1-12 prop at 150 EOD 1-10 NPP at 150 EOD 1-4 Androl at 50mg ED 1-12 Proviron at 25mg ED What AI do you suggest? I have always ran nolva but am open to something better. And finally caber at .5 twice a week. Never done drol before and...
  4. Presser

    Anabolic Androgenic Cutting & Bulking Cycles with Sarms, IGF-1 lr3, Ephedrine and SERMS

    Legal (for now anyhow) Anabolic Androgenic Cycles for Those Who Do NOT Wish To Use Steroids. Sponsored by: https://www.musclechemistry.com Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators & Insuline-Like Growth Factor-1 Long R3 3 Month Long Bulking Stack with P.C.T. 1-4 & 8-12 LGD-4033...
  5. Iron Game

    Specific Anabolic Steroid Cycles For Different Goals---WOW

    Goal-Specific AAS Cycles for the Serious Lifter by Mike Arnold All PED users, at some point during the infancy of their AAS use, begin contemplating which “stack” would be best suited to their goals. This type of speculation is always accompanied by the question…”What should I use and how...
  6. E

    need help - tren,prop,equipoise

    I need help with the following cycle - 1-12 600mg equipoise - i never used equipoise before and i'm not sure about the length of the cycle. 12 or 16 weeks?? 1-12 400mg propionat 5-12 300mg trenbolone - i never used tren too,but i think 300mg is ok?? 7-12 50mg winny/anavar- here I'm not sure if...
  7. M

    use clenbuterol

    hi guys are running this cycle, I got to the sixth week, I would use clenbuterol towards the end of the cycle, in your experience, in which week, I can insert clen ? I had thought about putting clen ***10-12 week, any advice would be greatly appreciated :) 1-12 test e 500mg / week 6-12 anavar...