
  1. thx

    Fuck it! Winter cycle: Test cyp, Tren ena, EQ etc...

    I changed my mind. I was gonna do a test prop cycle again but I got some old Test Cyp and EQ laying around and I forgot about the Tren E I've ordered a long time ago. So who wants to help me put together a winter cycle?! This is what I have: Test cyp ~60ml + 4x10ml vials EQ ~ 20ml + 10ml vial...
  2. C

    First time IGF-1 LR3 cycle about to start!!

    Just ordered 2 bottles of LR3 to add to my bulking stack starting next week.. Have been at 198lbs body weight and about 13% BF... I am wanting to move to 220 weight class for powerlifting by spring so lets see if I can get strong as hell this winter! My stack looks like this 800mg Test E wk...
  3. S

    Question on how much pct to take.

    I had all my cycles I've done in my iphone saved but lost all of it when I jumped ship to a droid . I'm 510 195 around 12% bf . So this is my cycle I'm about to do. 700 mg/ week test e 1-16 weeks 150 mg eod npp 1-14 75 mg eod tren This is my first cycle with tren though. I've ran 500 test...