
  1. Vision

    Purity Source labs BLITZ special combo 1 x Test Prop / 1 x Stanozolol SALE SALE SALE

    BLITZ special combo 1 x Test Prop / 1 x Stanozolol SALE SALE SALE Added bonus combo The Vision short BLITZ special combo. Hit those REC, with a high and quick anabolic blitz. The most misunderstood and underestimated ratio, the lack of high anabolics, GET THOSE ANABOLICS HIGHER TO SMASH...
  2. Vision

    Purity Source labs RARE PRODUCT (Anatrofin) Stenbolone Acetate at PSL www.PuritySourceLabs.ru SALE SALE SALE

    ::Click the door to enter the store:: With the Domestic SALE on Stenbolone going out of stock 🚪🚶 Hurry it's gonna close shut on you! 🚪🚶 The sale door that is... Anatrofin (Stenbolone Ace) By EP officially on sale TODAY at PSL "Comprehensive compound breakdown too" READ and SAVE! "Residential...
  3. Vision

    Purity Source labs Wow, Look at what's BACK - "RAW MATERIALS" at PSL

    🥼🧪Wow, Look at what's BACK - "RAW MATERIALS"🧪🥼 We've been telling the customer base for a while now that we'll continuously have game changing news moving forward.. We will keep this short and simple.. Allow us to roll out our campaign and show you just a start of what's to come.. We promise...
  4. Phill

    My favorites all at once

    My favorites all at once Primobolan Depot Stenbolone 1-Testosterone Cypionate(DHB) HGH Frag(176-191) T4 Ephedrine Shredded all year round I forgot to add test this time, remedy the next round EURO-PHARMACIES
  5. Bulkraws

    1-testosterone base powder stocked

    1-testosterone base powder just stocked . Please contact [email protected] for more details Thank you
  6. Bulkraws

    1-testosterone base powder stocked

    1-testosterone base powder just stocked . Please contact [email protected] for more details Thank you
  7. Bulkraws

    1-testosterone base powder stocked

    1-testosterone base powder just stocked . Please contact [email protected] for more details Thank you
  8. drtbear1967

    1-testosterone / DHB Profile

    1-testosterone 1-testosterone (dihydroboldenone), or DHB for short, is an anabolic steroid that has some unique properties of interest to bodybuilders. Interestingly, in spite of the fact that the name can be confusing, in no way is DHB testosterone. In fact, it is simply the 5alpha reduced...
  9. Iron Game

    Steroid (AAS) Cycle For Men's Physique Competitor

    by Mike Arnold When the idea of Men’s Physique was first launched, there was a lot of uncertainty among the BB’ing and Fitness communities as to what this division would ultimately represent. With brand new judging criteria in place, it would take a few years to demonstrate consistency in its...
  10. Iron Game

    The Facts and everything you need to know about using steroids.---AGAIN

    The Facts and everything you need to know about using steroids. It has long been my goal to demonstrate that steroid use cannot only occur without causing any harm, it can actually benefit us in lengthening our life-span and increasing our quality of life. Since in essence, steroids have never...
  11. Iron Game

    M1T vs. DBOL

    <tbody> About M1T Methyl 1-Test (M1T) is the methylated version of the steroid 1-testosterone that is considered by many as the most effective pro-steroid or prohormone product to hit the market. A highly anabolic and moderately androgenic drug, M1T is 910-1600 percent as anabolic and...
  12. Iron Game

    1-Testosterone - Pharmaceutical Name: Dihydroboldenone

    1-Testosterone Pharmaceutical Name: Dihydroboldenone Chemical Names: 17beta-hydroxyandrost-1-en-3-one, 5alpha-androst-1-en-3-one, 17beta-ol Active Life: depends on the ester utilized Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio: 200/100 Dihydroboldenone, most commonly known as 1-testosterone, is a 5alpha...
  13. FooterDan

    1-Test/DHB: Anyone use it? 1-Testosterone (Di-hydrogen Boldenone)

    I'm talking about the injectable version btw not the oral "prohormone" So I've always been interested in 1-Testosterone (Di-hydrogen Boldenone) ever since I read an article by Patrick Arnold on how he created it and what not. I have no idea why lol. I've rarely seen it for sale and when I do...
  14. Jozifp103

    Little PSL sample pack :) Including 2 new products!

    Just received this sample pack in the mail from PSL. You will notice some new products that may be coming out soon :) 1-Halotestin 1-Viagra blister pack 1-Cialis blister pack 1-Testosterone Base (water based)(soon to be released) 1-Testosterone Undecanoate 1-10iu vial Ansomone HGH 1-10iu...
  15. Presser

    Prohormones, Prosteroids and Designer Steroids versus Anabolic Steroids.

    Prohormones, Prosteroids and Designer SteroidsBy Author L. ReaAs of late I have had several questions regarding the various prohormones, prosteroids and designer steroids…mostly "what the F#@*K is the differences" and, of course, do they work. Prohormones A prohormone is simply one that...
  16. Presser

    1-DHEA is a prohormone to 1-Testosterone (dihydroboldenone). Powerful Research

    1-DHEA – POWERFUL ACCORDING TO RESEARCHERS by Tuned Sports 1-DHEA is a prohormone to 1-Testosterone (dihydroboldenone). It is commonly sold under the brand name of “1-Andro” (1-Androsterone). 1-Andro is a non 17-aa prohormone requiring two steps in its conversion to 1-Test. Reduction of the...
  17. M

    How to make Superdrol, Liquid superdrol recipe, Homebrew compounding superdrol?

    anyone know of a good liquid superdrol recipe? im going to make my first liquid solution and want to know what the best way to go about this would be with superdrol (methyldrostanolone)