
  1. drtbear1967

    Bodyweight Shoulder Variations

    Bodyweight Shoulders Complex – The vertical press push-up is a great variation on its own. It's like a pike push-up but more comfortable for those who struggle with tight hamstrings. Placing your body in a more vertical position with feet on a bench (or couch!) changes the pressing angle to...
  2. drtbear1967

    How to imporve your arms.

    The fastest way to improve the look of your biceps is to focus on the brachialis. The brachialis contributes to upper arm thickness more so than the biceps. Now, people assume that training the brachialis is as simple as using a neutral/hammer grip. Not so. While grip type can have an impact...
  3. 3J

    3J's blast with MC"s IGF-LR3!

    its been well over a year since i last blasted.... and after having a long talk with the wife and giving up on this whole fertility thing, its time i went back to the dark side :D proposed 20 week cycle test e 500mg 1-10, 750mg 10-20 Deca 250mg 1-20 (this is strictly for injury prevention and...