
  1. J

    Updated Caps & Tabs list

    King Labs Caps & Tablets Pro Cutter 25mg 50 count 12.5mg Winstrol/12.5mg Anavar Pro Cutter Xtreme 50 mg 50 count 25mg Winstrol/25 mg Anavar Dbol Pills 50mg 50 count Dbol Pills 25mg 50 count Anadrol Caps 50mg 50 count Anadrol Pills 50mg 50 count Winstrol Pills 10mg 50 count Winstrol Caps...
  2. J

    King's AAS Tabs & Caps List

    King Labs AAS Caps & Tablets Pro Cutter 25mg 50 count 12.5mg Winstrol/12.5mg Anavar Pro Cutter Xtreme 50 mg 50 count 25mg Winstrol/25 mg Anavar Dbol Pills 50mg 50 count Dbol Pills 25mg 50 count Anadrol Caps 50mg 50 count Anadrol Pills 50mg 50 count Winstrol Pills 10mg 50 count Winstrol...
  3. J

    King Labs Pro Cutter (new product)

    We have add a new product called Pro Cutter! It's a mix between: 12.5mg winny 12.5mg anavar For pricing, email us at [email protected]
  4. gandhisays

    Proper Ostarine Dosage and Cycles

    Proper Ostarine Dosage and Cycles Those who take Ostarine do so for one of three reasons: bulking, cutting, or body recompositioning. The doses and cycle lengths vary based upon your specific needs. For Bulking: Ostarine is arguably at its best when used during a bulking cycle as a...
  5. T

    IGF Winter Protocol

    I’m sure this is “searchable” but if it hasn’t been beat to death recently: How does everyone like to run their IGF? Bulking or Cutting? Length/Dosage? I plan on making a run through the winter while adding some mass (lean mass hopefully). I’m going to dose 80-100mcg every other day...
  6. P

    My 1yr AAS and PED Experiment

    My 1yr Experiment with AAS and other PEDs Current stats= 28 year old male 5ft 8.5 inches 175lbs 12-14% BF Been lifting and training athletics since I was 16 years old. Never was really into...