
  1. A

    NEwbie questions about awesome cycle

    Testosterone Prop 50mg eod week 1-10 Tren Ace 75mg eod week 1-10 (dosage can be raised up to 150mg eod if the body allows without adverse side effects) Winny 50mg ed week 2-10 Prami for progestin control should start the second week of tren at .25mg once a week (then up to twice a week if...
  2. Iron Game

    Cheapest and Safest Way to Cycle Anabolic Steroids

    Q: “I want to have really good steroid cycle results over the next year, not like a pro bodybuilder but still very serious. But I don’t want to spend a penny more than I have to. What is the cheapest way that’s also sensible in terms of adverse side effects?” A: I suppose the absolute cheapest...