
  1. Phill


    ON SALE UNTIL NOV 1st, TRULY DON'T MISS OUT ON THESE! Anastrozolex ( ARIMIDEX ) - 1mg/Tab 50 International ONLY D-bol 50mg/mL - 10mL - Euro-Pharmacies GOLD LINE International ONLY Clenbuterox-INJ (Clenbuterol) - 50mcg/mL International ONLY CUTTING MIX PLUS - 300mg/mL - 10mL - Euro-Pharmacies...
  2. Vision

    Purity Source labs Test Blend 250mg/mL (Sust blend) HPLC test results from PSL

    Test Blend 250mg/mL (Sust blend) HPLC test results from PSL
  3. J

    30ml Jugs Always Stocked

    30ml Vials Test Enanthate 250mg/ml Test Cypionate 200mg/ml Test Prop 100mg/ml Test 400-200mg TE /200mg TC Deca 250mg/ml Sustanon 250mg/ml Equipoise 250mg/ml Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg/ml Masteron Prop 100mg/ml Masteron Enanthate 200mg/ml NPP 100mg/ml...
  4. J

    10ml vial list

    INJECTABLES 10ml Test Enanthate 250mg/ml Test Cypionate 200mg/ml Test Prop 100mg/ml Test 400-200mg TE /200mg TC Deca 250mg/ml Sustanon 250mg/ml Equipoise 250mg/ml Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg/ml Masteron Prop 100mg/ml Masteron Enanthate 200mg/ml Primo...
  5. J

    King's 30ml jug list

    30ml Vials Test Enanthate 250mg/ml Test Cypionate 200mg/ml Test Prop 100mg/ml Test 400-200mg TE /200mg TC Deca 250mg/ml Sustanon 250mg/ml Equipoise 250mg/ml Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg/ml Masteron Prop 100mg/ml Masteron Enanthate 200mg/ml NPP 100mg/ml...
  6. J


    Test Enanthate 250mg/ml Test Cypionate 200mg/ml Test Prop 100mg/ml Test 400-200mg TE /200mg TC Deca 250mg/ml Sustanon 250mg/ml Equipoise 250mg/ml Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg/ml Masteron Prop 100mg/ml Masteron Enanthate 200mg/ml NPP 100mg/ml
  7. Boomer

    What would U do with left over gear

    So I'm just about to start up again and am waiting for my stock should get it in about 2-3 weeks, although I am ready to start now. Thing is I have some left over test.e and Decca from my last cycle. I have a bout 5ml left of the test (250mg/ml) and about 7ml left of the Decca (100mg/ml) I'm...
  8. S

    Test Cyp color

    first time poster- First time brewer here: I know I followed exactly. Test cyp at 250mg/mL is SLIGHTLY yellow. Google confirms this but for the life of me I can't remember what TC looked like when I ordered it from other guys. Perfectly clear, and heated to confirmed melting point and not...
  9. FL1025


    How's it going fellas, Just wanted to let everyone know I'm back and now able to respond to pms. Just a reminder to get on the Robolics GAINZ TRAIN BOGO SALE. It's Buy one TestE or C, get one free! Only applies to regular test 250mg/ml Minimum $180 order Sale ends Dec. 31 ! If you'd like a...
  10. 70Nova

    Spike up the test

    Hey guys, Here is my situation. At my location it seems impossible to find the ingredients to make my homebrew TECT C ( no BB or BA has yet been found near me ) ... BUT I can buy some already made at the pharmacy which is your standard 250mg/ml SO, can I rebrew it with added raw and create...
  11. Presser

    Injectable Dianabol Powder conversion / compounding recipe protocol

    2)250ml @ 80 mg/ml 20 gram of Methandrostenolone powder (1ml=1.12g)17.86ml 40ml BB 10ml BA 182.14ml Grapeseed Oil 3)250ml @ 80 mg/ml 20g Dianabol powder (1.12g/ml )17.86ml (1g=0.89ml) 60ml BB 15ml BA 157.14ml Grapeseed oil 4)100ml @ 50mg/ml dianabol 5g (5.6ml) 15%Guaiacol 2% BA...
  12. pct-shop


    Also check our website new products and pricelists updated!!!! ALPHA PHARMA LIST: Injectables: Alphabolin 5 ampoules of 1ml (100mg/ml) Alphabolin vial of 10ml (100mg/ml) Androxine (50mg/1ml) Boldebolin 10 ampoules of 1ml (250mg/ml) Boldebolin one vial of 10ml (250mg/ml) Induject-250...
  13. Jozifp103

    PSL ALPHA Pharma Amps PSL

    Alpha Pharma amps are available ALPHA PHARMA Boldebolin - 250mg/ml 1ml/amp Induject-250 - 250mg/ml 1ml/amp Nandrobolin-250 - 250mg/ml 1ml/amp NandroRapid - 100mg/ml 1ml/amp Rexogin - 50mg/ml 1ml/amp Testobolin - 250mg/ml 1ml/amp Testocyp - 250mg/ml 1ml/amp TestoRapid - 100mg/ml...
  14. GOTGrowth

    SALE EXTENDED (Until End of November!)

    We are extending this sale! THIS IS A THANK YOU TO OUR CUSTOMERS. FROM PURITY SOURCE LABS. THIS IS UNTIL THE END OF NOVEMBER! THANK YOU TO OUR CUSTOMERS. GENOTROPIN HGH(pfizer ) 36 iu - 250$ METHANDIENONE (Dianabol) - 10mg/tab 50 tabs - 10$ STANOZOLOL - 10mg/tab 50 tabs - 15$ TAMOXIFEN...
  15. GOTGrowth

    Another P.S.L. Special for YOU!

    Purity Source labs is having another special for our customers! Please take a look! GENOTROPIN HGH(pfizer ) 36 iu - 250$ METHANDIENONE (Dianabol) - 10mg/tab 50 tabs - 10$ STANOZOLOL - 10mg/tab 50 tabs - 15$ TAMOXIFEN 20 - 20mg/tab 50 tabs -25$ ARIMIDEX- 1mg/tab 50 tabs - 45$ AROMASIN -...