
  1. jimbosmith316

    7 day Routine

    An advanced 7-day workout routine should incorporate a mix of strength, cardio, flexibility, and rest days for optimal recovery. Here’s a sample routine, but remember to adjust it according to your fitness level, preferences, and any specific goals you have. ### Day 1: Upper Body Strength -...

    Uni-angular Tri-sets for Bigger Arms

    Uni-angular Tri-sets for Bigger Arms Q: I’d like to try a training cycle to bring up my arms, which are lagging behind my other bodyparts. I’ve been training for two years. Can you give me some ideas? A: Try a five-day cycle in which your arm workout falls on the first or second day. The...
  3. thx

    Fuck it! Winter cycle: Test cyp, Tren ena, EQ etc...

    I changed my mind. I was gonna do a test prop cycle again but I got some old Test Cyp and EQ laying around and I forgot about the Tren E I've ordered a long time ago. So who wants to help me put together a winter cycle?! This is what I have: Test cyp ~60ml + 4x10ml vials EQ ~ 20ml + 10ml vial...
  4. The Dude

    Easy Lay person diet for fat loss ... low - no carb??

    So I have to do a Persuasive speech. This professor really has it out for me... I mean it's insane... on one section of my last speech... time... was worth from 1 to 5 points. The speech was supposed to be 6-8 minutes. My logical mind says that if your speech is 6-8 minutes you would get a 5. If...
  5. Presser

    When to Start PCT with Clomid, Nolvadex after Steroid Cycle

    <h1>When do I begin my PCT protocol for Each Anabolic Steroid in my cycle?</h1> <tbody> Steroid When to start after last administration Length of PCT Testosterone Enanthate 2 weeks 3 weeks Testosterone Cypionate 2 weeks 3 weeks Testosterone Propionate 3 days 3 weeks Testosterone...
  6. Presser

    When to Start PCT with Clomid, Nolvadex. Steroid Ester Durations for all Anabolics

    <h1>When do I begin my PCT protocol for Each Anabolic Steroid in my cycle?</h1> <tbody> Steroid When to start after last administration Length of PCT Testosterone Enanthate 2 weeks 3 weeks Testosterone Cypionate 2 weeks 3 weeks Testosterone Propionate 3 days 3 weeks Testosterone...
  7. Presser

    Andarine (s-4) best for Cutting cycle used as a hardening agent at 50mg daily

    Andarine (S-4) Users will want to use Andarine during their cutting phase of their cycles as it works best this way. S-4 has amazing fat burning properties making it a favorite among bodybuilders trying to cut fat and stay vascular. Andarine s-4 has about a 3 hour half life making it best to...