
  1. drtbear1967

    Get to Thrusting!!

    ebtofficial🍑 😏 🍑 . 1 did a study where he compared hip thrusts to squats using EMG (a way of electrically measuring muscle activity). (1) EMG measurements usually work by first asking people to squeeze a muscle as much as they can to get a "reference" value of 100%, and then measuring how much...
  2. Presser

    Top 3SARM - Most Effective at Muscle Building and Fat loss

    Brands whos customers say they wouldnt buy again. More than 40% of customers said they would not purchase sarm again from the following companies: Chem Tek Labs LGD-4033 / RAD140 Genetix XLG LGD-3303 Receptorchem Research SARMs RAD140 What’s the best for strength and/or fat loss?The...