
  1. drtbear1967

    Covid BS

    So I tested positive for the damn Covid. I have a sinus infection and that's what I went to the Doctor. Oh well, they tested me inhouse and it was negative then they did another test and sent it out. The one they sent out came back positive. Well guess I will be doing work from home.
  2. chihuahua

    Have you been impacted by covid?

    I've haven't been to active recently due to personal reasons. This has been a horrible year for my family. I lost my aunt a few months ago from natural causes. Then in August I lost a friend/co-worker (literally sat next to me at work) and my uncle the following week both from covid. This shit...
  3. N

    My clen and cardadine experiences so far

    So have used clen before Doing the 20 µg and then pyramiding up to 100 µg but I never really liked it above 20 µg because I would see trembling and my heart rate would be so high that cardio was extremely difficult for me. And I know a lot of people will recommend doing that pyramid but I...
  4. 1

    Anyone been dealing with med lab supply during this covid shutdown?

    Long story short I ordered my latest brew supplies back on February 22 and I am STILL waiting for med lab supply to ship them. Anyone else order during this time? I know if I had ordered medical supplies deemed important for this covid stuff then yes I totally would understand them waiting to...