
  1. jimbosmith316

    Anti estrogen Half Life

    The half-life of an anti-estrogen drug refers to the time it takes for half of the drug's active substance to be eliminated from the body. Anti-estrogen drugs are commonly used in various medical contexts, including the treatment of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer and, in some cases, by...
  2. jimbosmith316


    In bodybuilding, managing estrogen levels is crucial, especially for individuals using anabolic steroids or undergoing intense training that may impact hormone balance. Excessive estrogen can lead to side effects like water retention, gynecomastia (enlargement of breast tissue in males), and fat...
  3. jimbosmith316

    Post-cycle therapy (PCT)

    Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is commonly used by bodybuilders and athletes who have taken anabolic steroids or similar substances to help their bodies recover natural hormone production and restore normal functioning after a cycle. The aim is to mitigate potential side effects and support the body...
  4. Matt88

    Purity Source labs If you are looking for an alternative to HCG - HMG on SALE NOW!

    If you are looking for an alternative to HCG - HMG on SALE NOW! This product will be on SALE until it's gone from inventory. This product will remain on SALE till the very last one.. ​ HMG​ If you are looking for an alternative to HCG due to some of its side effects and other drawbacks...
  5. Vision

    Purity Source labs Just in NEW HPLC test results EP Euro-Pharmacies Anavar

    Just in NEW HPLC test results EP Euro-Pharmacies Anavar Oxandrolex 10 (Anavar) - 10mg/tab, 100 pills/bag - Euro-Pharmacies For direct store access click below Oxandrolone (Anavar) History: Anavar, first released by Searle Laboratories in 1964, was indicated in the treatment of a variety of...
  6. jimbosmith316

    Peptides: What are they

    Peptides are short chains of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. In a peptide molecule, amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds. The length of a peptide can vary, ranging from just a few amino acids to several dozen. When a peptide consists of approximately 2 to 50...
  7. Phill

    Purity Source labs Primobolan Lab test results @ PSL SUMMER 2023 :)

    Primo Lab test results @ PSL SUMMER 2023 :) Methenolone Enanthate (Primobolan) History: Said to be a favorite of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Primobolan is an extravagant German-made steroid which rose to popularity in the 70’s. Since then, it has been prized as one of the most effective...


    ARIMADEX.... Arimidex Anastrozole 1 mgArimidex Anastrozole 1 mg Arimidex Anastrozole 1 mg ARIMIDEX ANASTROZOLE 1 MG / PER TAB – 100 TABLETS – GENLABS Active Ingredients: Anastrozole Molar Mass: 293.366 g/mol CAS ID: 120511-73-1 Formula: C17H19N5 Elimination Half-Life: 46.8 Hours Trade...
  9. F

    Finest Gears Finestgears - How do Anabolic Steroids work?

    Athletes and bodybuilders often take anabolic steroids for sale to increase protein synthesis and help their muscles grow and get stronger. Anabolic steroids are steroid hormones used 1 to build muscle mass, increase stamina, and make people stronger. In the vast majority of countries around the...
  10. F

    Finestgears - How do Anabolic Steroids work?

    Athletes and bodybuilders often take anabolic steroids for sale to increase protein synthesis and help their muscles grow and get stronger. Anabolic steroids are steroid hormones used 1 to build muscle mass, increase stamina, and make people stronger. In the vast majority of countries around the...
  11. F

    Finestgears - How do Anabolic Steroids work?

    Athletes and bodybuilders often take anabolic steroids for sale to increase protein synthesis and help their muscles grow and get stronger. Anabolic steroids are steroid hormones used 1 to build muscle mass, increase stamina, and make people stronger. In the vast majority of countries around the...

    Do you need more protein or less protein if you are using anabolic steroids?

    Do you need more protein or less protein if you are using anabolic steroids? Well, the short answer is yes, but only a fraction more. Now, when I say a fraction, I mean optimal. There is a large difference between what works and what works best. Lets dive into the research we have available...

    YOURMUSCLESHOP Cialia, Viagra, Levitra in Bodybuilding

    Cialia, Viagra, Levitra in Bodybuilding We have all seen the many commercials for Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra. Drugs treating erectile dysfunction have become mainstream topics and generate huge sales for pharmaceutical companies. Do you know how they work? Do you know that they are often...


    FUROSEMIDE What is Furosemide? Why it is used? Furosemide is a very useful medication generally, it is used to treat illnesses like heart failure, liver disease, and renal disease that cause the body to retain extra fluid (edema). This can minimize symptoms including breathing difficulties and...
  15. Presser

    Anastrozole: How Bodybuilders Prevent Estrogen Side-Effects

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 22.5px;">Anastrozole: How Bodybuilders Prevent Estrogen Side-Effects </header>Today in Elite Fitness News we will be profiling Arimidex (anastrozole). A very powerful...
  16. R


    Drugs n Stuff 84: Steroid QA. Dave Crosland and Scott McNally. Switching esters during a cycle - Does it even matter? 13:30 ULG for TRT? Low Estrogen on T400 and Deca First cycle cutting from 300 lbs Nolvadex - Will clotting issues happen long term or just during use? Supplements for Crohn’s...
  17. D


    WHY YOUR NOT MAKING GAINS OFF AAS AND GH. 1. Lack of a proper base 2. Dose too low for your size weight height and experience. We all build up alittle resistance. we all get different side effects from meds, some get the same- if your dose is too low its like taking 81m of aspern for a...
  18. R

    Drugs n Stuff, 83: dnp

    Drugs n Stuff 83: DNP. This week, Steroids in the News, then Profile for DNP. After that, listener questions. With Dave Crosland and Scott McNally. For full updates, follow below link - Advices Radio :: Drugs n Stuff, 83: dnp
  19. drtbear1967

    Citrulline Malate - Need to know.

    Citrulline is an aminoacid with an important role in the urea cycle. Taking citrulline increases levels of ornithine and arginine and improves the nitric oxide metabolism. It can be used where NO is relevant (ED, athletic performance and cardiovascular health). ♥️ Citrulline is produced in our...
  20. Presser

    Best Steroids To Add To Trenbolone Cycle

    What can Trenbolone Acetate be used with?n practice, the combined use of Trenbolone Acetate with other steroids when in a bulking phase to gain weight actually does not make sense, It is better to use trenbolone enanthate or hex when bulking because these are the two longer acting esters of this...