
  1. W

    best colder meals during summer

    I’m looking to consume more cold or meals during the summer I know that putting a stake or piece of chicken in the fridge and then eating it cold isn’t the best meal and I know that it’s more delicious to eat them hot but I’m looking for something that I can put in the freezer or fridge and cool...
  2. S

    Long Term Storage of Raw Powders

    Hello all. I have been homebrewing for 2.5 years now. I always kept my raw powders stored in the plastic bags that they arrived in, and kept them in a box that was kept in a cool, dry, dark place.... I have heard some people discuss keeping their raws in the freezer... Where do you store your...
  3. drtbear1967

    Does where you shop determine what you get?

    by Christian Duque In Spanish we have an old saying, tell me who you’re with and I’ll tell you who are. Another saying that’s appropo for this article goes something like this, “you get what you pay for.” I mean, we’ve all heard that one and know it all too well. The crux of this article and of...
  4. 5

    unreconstituted HGH vial

    Question; a friend of mine had some old vials of unreconstituted HGH stored in a freezer for many many years; we are talking about 6 years or so. Is this alright to use still; or is it at the point where HGH has a expiration date and needs to be thrown out?