hair loss

  1. Muscleshop_Rep

    YourMuscleShop Now Muscle Spasms Be Gone With Botox

    Shop Now : Contact Us Telegram : WhatsApp : +1 424-297-6166 Email : [email protected]
  2. Presser

    The Bodybuilder's Guide to Bulking Up: Test and Tren Cycle Dosage Demystified

    Introduction: For bodybuilders looking to maximize muscle mass and strength gains, the combination of testosterone (Test) and trenbolone (Tren) is a popular choice. However, understanding the optimal dosage for a Test and Tren cycle is crucial to achieve desired results while minimizing...
  3. Presser

    Post Cycle Therapy

    Understanding Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) Medications for Bodybuilders: Dosage and Duration PCT Anti-estrogen Introduction Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is a crucial aspect of the bodybuilding journey, aimed at restoring hormonal balance after a cycle of anabolic steroids. Among the various...
  4. M

    Are you suffering from hair loss..??

    Some of you bros don't care about hair loss, but it can be a big concern for most of us other bros. I'm 35 and I still have a thick and full head of hair. I am not one of those guys who would look good bald or balding. In some of my cycles years ago, I noticed large volumes of hair falling out...
  5. K

    First cycle problems

    Hi everyone, I'm a white male in my 30s. Early this year I tried my first test cycle. I read tons of articles and watched a lot of videos about steroids before I started. I did labs before I started, a few weeks in, and after (all normal). Also I know the test I bought was real because it had...
  6. gandhisays

    Proviron Minimum and maximum dosages per cycle.

    As Proviron is one of the most misunderstood steroids on earth, so are Proviron Doses. One reason for this misunderstanding is this steroid's ratings based on its structural nature; however, its translating action does not match up to its structural nature. This often leads many to supplement...
  7. Presser

    Trenbolone (Acetate / Enanthate). Tren Steroid Cycles and Dosages

    Trenbolone Acetate & Enanthate information Name: Trenbolone (Acetate / Enanthate) Other common names and terms: Tren, Tren Acne, Tren E, Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate, Fina Active Life: Ester dependant Drug Class: Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Detection...
  8. Boomer

    turinabol Turaject - (injectable t-bol)

    Has anyone had any experiance with this ? Injectable turnabol. what could you compare it too? i cant say ive heard of it before. what are the gains like, is it an ed or eod injectable? any info about it would be great thanks guys