
  1. Muscleshop_Rep


    Shop Now : www.YourMuscleShop.to Contact Us Telegram : t.me/yourmuscleshopofficial WhatsApp : +1 424-297-6166 Email: [email protected]


    GENLABS IGF-LR3 GROWTH BEYOND LIMITS Shop Now : Home - Yourmuscleshop Contact Us : Telegram: Telegram: Contact @yourmuscleshopofficial Whats app : +1 424-297-6166 Email : [email protected]
  3. M


    Shop Now : Attention Required! | Cloudflare Contact Us : Telegram : Telegram: Contact @yourmuscleshopofficial Whats app : +1 424-297-6166 Email : [email protected]
  4. yourmuscleshop


    Shop Now : www.Yourmuscleshop.to Contact Us : Telegram : t.me/yourmuscleshopofficial WhatsApp : +1 424-297-6166 Email : [email protected]
  5. J

    Muscle Chemistry Igf lr3 welt at inj site

    Hey I bought M.C. 10 meg pack for 400.00 I have kept it refrigerated I started a cycle the other day and give myself a shot of 40mcg in the stomach which has resulted in a big welt at inj site I shot a 30 gauge 1/2 slin pin anyone else have similar issues with their Igf-lr3? I thought you could...
  6. J

    Muscle chemistry store

    What the heck is the deal with this store?? I ordered the igf-lr3 the 400.00 special for 10 kits I have e-mailed them I keep getting it sent back as not a valid e-mail address I am trying to find the status of my order They have not sent a e-mail shipping confirmation or anything not happy with...
  7. drtbear1967

    IGF-Lr3 and bad shoulder

    Been rehabbing a bad shoulder for the last couple of weeks. Started to add IGF at 100mcg per day. Shoulder pain has greatly reduced and feeling much better. Just have to take it easy for a few more weeks. This stuff is the real deal.
  8. Rep

    Peptide doses and length

    H All, Been a while since Iv'e been on and I see some conflicting info. To the experienced users, may I ask what doses ou are using and for how long of: IGF-Lr3 (I have had great results in the past with 80 mcg but nit sure if this has changed CJC 1295 with DAC Ipamorelin MII...
  9. A

    IGF-LR3 cycle lengths/ off time??

    Hey, my first order just arrived and I'm so excited! I plan on doing 50mcg/day post workout. I have two questions: 1.) How long could I run it at this dosage before my receptors built up an immunity? I want to run 50mcg/day for 40 days. 2.) how long should I wait between these 40-day cycles...
  10. A

    Is IGF-LR3 worth it for me?

    I have been combing the internet for a good source of IGF-LR3 and you guys seem legit, so I just have a question about whether its a worthy investment for me? Stats: 21yo, 6', 215lbs, ~10%bf My current cycle is 250mg Sustanon/week and 50mg Proviron/day Planning on adding CJC1295DAC at...
  11. 5

    igf-lr3 in AA and Bac Water together

    I know that shooting with AA hurts like a bitch; is there a protocol where you can draw up the igf-lr3 with AA and then add bac water in to ease the pain. Mind you I never shot AA in my body, so I'm too pussy to shoot it directly in me since I heard it hurts more than a bee sting; and pain...
  12. drtbear1967

    MC IGF-Lr3 - NO BS

    MC IGF-1lr3 and my findings. When I was introduced to IGF, I was skeptical to say the least. I have been around and seen many products come and go that were touted as being the best thing since sliced bread. But me being the person that I am, I started reading everything I could about IGF-Lr3...
  13. drtbear1967

    MC Store Review

    So I had an order coming my way last week and knowing that we had a holiday at the end of the week, I wasn't worried about my order. I know Presser sent me at least 3 messages wanting to know if I had my order and to make sure to let him know when it arrives. No body and I mean NO BODY does...
  14. 3J

    3J's blast with MC"s IGF-LR3!

    its been well over a year since i last blasted.... and after having a long talk with the wife and giving up on this whole fertility thing, its time i went back to the dark side :D proposed 20 week cycle test e 500mg 1-10, 750mg 10-20 Deca 250mg 1-20 (this is strictly for injury prevention and...
  15. W

    IGF-LR3 first timer

    Hello all, I just wanted to share my experience as a first time user of IGF-lr3. when I recieved my lr3 I was mid cycle with some gear and doing well, within 2 weeks I was blown away at what was happening to my body and my workouts. This stuff is a major game changer. I would recommend reading...
  16. camthman

    (Ibutamoren) MK-677 anyone?

    Anyone have any reviews on this? Looks like the human trials look good and have been hearing people that are happy with it... Anyone here invested a few months in this yet? Mk-677 + IGF-LR3 + AAS might be fun. Thoughts?
  17. M


    New on here, I am hoping to learn a lot on the boards. So would read a lot in here and chime in, if i have any thoughts on the topics. 5 ft 10, 200 IBS natty! 38 years old. I want to try out the IGF-LR3 long term. I do not know if muscle Chemistry ships to South Africa?
  18. P

    IGF-LR3 Received!!

    Hi Guys, Just wanted to make a comment on the delivery of my IGF-LR3. I ordered it on 1st January was dispatched on 5th and i received it on the 13th so 8 days in total which was great considering it was international delivery. I have used the IGF-LR3 for the last few days along with the end...