mc igf

  1. B

    Y3T Training Program, Cycle extend or no

    Has anyone tried this program? It's a nine-week program developed by Neil "Yoda" Hill (thus the name) that was originally for Flex Lewis. I decided to try it, and I'm almost through to the last week. I have to say, it really works. I think I've put at least an inch on my legs (which never...
  2. M

    mc igf strikes again!

    So I ordered some mc igf Saturday. Stuff Got here monday, fastest shipping ever btw! Decided to see what everyone was talking about today, did a simple 20 mcg in each bicep and did arms. Driving to the gym with this stuff alone gave me a nasty pump and in the gym I literally felt like my skin...
  3. L

    Help a Newbie? IGF right for me?

    All, I have been researching IGF, sermorelin, GHRP-6, HGH, etc. I am 31 and trying to get back in shape. I'm 6 foot and currently 279lbs @ 30% bf. I have always struggled with body comp. No matter how much cardio I do or how clean I eat I never get lean. I put on muscle mass quickly and easily...
  4. Metal85

    Just Ordered More MC IGF!!!!

    Hey guys just want to remind you to check your inbox to see the great deals going on, I just ordered my IGF again :) stoked for it's arrival! If you haven't given this stuff a try yet, do it! Amazing pumps, fat loss, and several accounts through friends of it helping different back issues.
  5. Metal85

    No dieting + MC IGF

    So a few weeks of applying and seeing significant fat loss, and I have not changed my eating habits, at all! This is a common want with NO answer, at least til now!
  6. big in vegas

    Started MC IGF again...

    Damn I love this stuff and I couldn't be happier with it. I applied it to my chest today before training and I'm still feeling it and I've been outta the gym for over 2 hours. If you haven't tried this yet, you have no idea what you're missing
  7. Metal85

    MC igf/ cardio

    Well it has been almost 2 months of applying MC igf to abdomen and doing cardio on treadmill (usually around 3.5 mph, with incline at 15 during the middle) and I am def seeing good fat loss. due to my injury last year I wasnt able to lift any decent weight until a few months ago and 3 months ago...
  8. Metal85

    MC igf update w me

    So this morning I weighed 198 as soon as I got up, stomach is trimming down, and shoulders and traps are coming in nicely I bumped up the drol to 50 mg and in a week I will put it back down to 25, I have about 2 weeks left , just started on sus and I added a little NPP to it, so it will do until...