muscle mass

  1. Presser

    Testosterone No Ester

    Testosterone No Ester (TNE) Testosterone No Ester (TNE) is an anabolic steroid that has gained popularity among bodybuilders and athletes for its muscle-building properties. Here's a detailed look at what it is, how it works, and its application across different levels of bodybuilding expertise...
  2. Muscle Insider

    Ostarine mk-2866

    Ostarine MK-2866, a promising yet unapproved SARM that has garnered attention for its potential muscle-building and osteoporosis-fighting capabilities. This article unpacks the science behind Ostarine, exploring its selective action on androgen receptors and its debated place in the fitness and...
  3. Muscle Insider

    Hadi Choopan's density is just Nuts ?

    <iframe width="1220" height="686" src="" title="Hadi Choopan's density is just Nuts &#55357;&#56881;" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>...
  4. Presser

    Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Long Arginine 3 (IGF-1 LR3)

    Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Long Arginine 3 (IGF-1 LR3) is a modified form of the naturally occurring Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1). It plays a significant role in muscle growth and has gained popularity in bodybuilding for its potential to enhance muscle development and recovery. Here's...
  5. Muscle Insider

    Microdosing Deca & Test

    03-24-2022, 01:22 PM #1 Rookie Rep Power 0...
  6. Presser

    **Lowest Prices Ever Offered On IGF 1 lr3** SALE ENDS WITH OCTOBER!

    IGF-1 Lr3 Specials Listed Below: Buy 2 IGF 1 lr3 NOW ONLY $120 Buy 4 IGF-1 Lr3 Get 5th Free NOW ONLY $235 Buy 6 IGF-1 Lr3 Get 7th Free NOW ONLY $325 New Bulk Prices on 10, 15 and 20 IGF-1 Lr3. Contact [email protected] or Private Message Presser for Price Quotes! Read HUNDREDS &...
  7. Presser

    **Lowest Prices Ever Offered On IGF 1 lr3** SALE ENDS WITH OCTOBER!

    IGF-1 Lr3 Specials Listed Below: Buy 2 IGF 1 lr3 NOW ONLY $120 Buy 4 IGF-1 Lr3 Get 5th Free NOW ONLY $235 Buy 6 IGF-1 Lr3 Get 7th Free NOW ONLY $325 New Bulk Prices on 10, 15 and 20 IGF-1 Lr3. Contact [email protected] or Private Message Presser for Price Quotes! Read HUNDREDS &...
  8. drtbear1967

    Optimizing Appetit and Digestion For Maximum Muscle Growth

    Optimizing Appetite and Digestion for Maximum Muscle Growth by Mike Arnold As a bodybuilder, you don’t need to be told that diet plays a direct and critical role in the achievement of your goals. Even beginners understand this, yet knowledge of this...
  9. drtbear1967

    Genetic Limitation Realitiy

    What's more important: continuing to pile on muscle or aging well? That's the question dedicated lifters need to ask themselves as they get older. It's the question I had to answer too.We all have a genetic limit as to how much muscle we can naturally carry. It's not pleasant to hear, but it's...
  10. drtbear1967

    How Steroids work to build muscle

    How Do Steroids Build Muscle? How do steroids work to increase muscle growth? Anabolic steroids help to stimulate anabolic effects in the body by plugging into the protein receptors that are on or in cells that help to create new proteins within the cells. This results in an increase in RNA...
  11. T

    Lgd 4033 dropper dosage

    Hello fellow lifters just a quick question, I'm about to buy some lgd from the store and was wondering how many bottles I would need for 10mg a day for 8 weeks? Also does the dropper show how much I need to put in to make the correct amount? Cheers.
  12. Powderguy

    Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate NPP Steroid

    Nandrolone phenylpropionate is one of the most popular injectable steroids. It is basically Deca, with a shorter ester ( phenylpropionate instead of decanoate ester found in deca durabolin or nandrolone decanoate), resulting in quicker release into the bloodstream. Although its shorter ester...
  13. dorian123


    wanting some opinions here on my next cycle thinking of running test C at 600-750 mg/week what should I run with it? been running deca with test for the past 3 years now was thinking of maybe changing it up? opinions? MORE ON IMGUR
  14. gandhisays

    Testosterone Suspension. TNE Test No Ester in Oil or Waterbased Injection

    Testosterone Suspension Testosterone Suspension is the oldest steroid ever created. Basically it is pure testosterone without any ester attached to it. This has its disadvantages because without any ester the testosterone won’t last very long in the body and will probably need to be...
  15. Presser

    Steroid Muscle Building. Steroids

    Muscle building steroids have changed the way gaming events are being conducted in today’s times. More and more sportsmen have shown intent to take on performance enhancing steroids with an aim to optimize their performance. The curiosity behind steroids has seen a following in demanding sports...
  16. big in vegas

    IGF-1 side effects...

    IGF-1 LR3, Long R3 IGF-1, IGF-1- Insulin-like Growth Factor – is an experimental drug that represents the next generation in performance enhancing in bodybuilding athletes. This peptide hormone also has the promise of becoming the ultimate fountain of youth. As the world has finally caught on to...
  17. Boomer

    turinabol Turaject - (injectable t-bol)

    Has anyone had any experiance with this ? Injectable turnabol. what could you compare it too? i cant say ive heard of it before. what are the gains like, is it an ed or eod injectable? any info about it would be great thanks guys