
  1. G

    Testosterone level mortality question

    Who would die earlier? A man with a testosterone level of 150 ng/dl or a man on trt with a level of 1600 ng/dl?
  2. akn

    Enclomiphene – The Super Clomid?

    by Josh Hodnik Clomiphene (Clomid) is one of the first drugs ever used for post-cycle-therapy to restore the body’s natural testosterone production. Clomiphene is a synthetic estrogen agonist/antagonist. In certain tissues it can block estrogen by binding to certain receptors. It can oppose the...
  3. Iron Game

    Study - 300 mg vs. 600 mg Testosterone

    The following is part of a thread by heavyiron over at MD, the full abstact can be found here..Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men -- Bhasin et al. 281 (6): E1172 -- AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism The following text outlines the benefits and risks of Testosterone...