
  1. B

    best way to use Primo with equipoise

    I’m looking to do a mild stack but something that I can stack together and not have to worry about too many estrogen issues this is why I wanted to do primo and equipoise for 12 weeks together what do you think about stacking 400 mg of each and then playing it by ear and maybe increasing the...
  2. S

    how to use orals for bigger gains with testosterone and primo

    5’9’’ 178 pounds and 17% body fat. And 27 years old hi I’m 10 weeks into my current cycle and I’m doing 500 mg of the primo and I’m doing around 200 to 300 of the testosterone per week it’s been quite a cycle I put on some good lean muscle mass but I would like to get more bigger gains...
  3. V

    using some tests and Primo for my next cutting cycle

    50 years old and this will be my first cycle in three years and I’m around 190 pounds and five foot eight, looking to do a simple cutting cycle using testosterone and Primo gonna go with test E and primobolan E mixing 300mgs a of each into the same syringe and pinning it twice a week. That will...
  4. N

    primo and anavar, good stack or weak?

    Looking to get mild benefits and lean muscle mass with fat loss. I’m currently five foot 10 216 pounds and more approximately 14% body fat I’m wondering what you think about using Primo and anavar together do you think this is a good cycle or do you think it’s very weak? Currently 500mgs a week...
  5. C

    dbol works well with test and primo?

    I’m looking to run a golden era stack with primo and dbol together. Also want to add in some testosterone with it the cycle I had in mind looks like this: dbol 30mgs per day primo 500mgs per week test 250mgs per week. How long would you run this ? Any thoughts on anything you would change? I’m...
  6. N

    primo cutting stack with test Prop

    what do you think about doing testosterone propionate with primobolan? The testosterone dosage I was thinking is 50 milligrams every other day and then I would do Primo around 500 milligrams per week. Total cycle of 12 weeks do you think this would be a crazy amount of pinning or do you think...
  7. N

    first time using primo and test together

    I’m interested in using Primo and testosterone together but it’s my first cycle and I don’t want to waste the Primo as it was quite expensive to acquire this stuff what would you recommend as the best option when it comes to using Primo should I shoot for 500 milligrams at 12 weeks minimum or...
  8. F side effects are an issue

    I’m dealing with some horrible side effects using products. I’m doing testosterone, equipoise, and Primo on this cycle and I’m running around 300 milligrams of each per week so just shy of a 1000 milligrams total. Dealing with a lot of shutdown side effects, no libido, strength has...
  9. L

    Primo, aromasin and testosterone mix

    gonna be mixing some aromasin.. along with testosterone and Primo which will be Blended in the same syringe when I’m injecting. My cycle is going to look like this testosterone 500 milligrams a week and Primo 1000 milligrams a week. I’m 35 years old and I’m looking to put on lean bulk muscle if...
  10. E

    best oral to add to primo and sustanon?

    5 foot 10 170 pounds and around 9% body fat and 28 years old I’m currently doing primo and sustanon. Hoping to add an oral to this cycle. Which oral would be best to use with this stack? I’m looking hard at using dbol or tbol. Not sure which would be best and lower side effects? Just looking to...
  11. N

    would primo work well with test or nah?

    I’m looking to do a mild lean bulker but I want to keep side effects Limited seems like in my past when I’ve used steroids the more aggressive steroids with a higher side effects were the ones that help you bulk the most as I am very sensitive to estrogen. Do you think if I was to do something...
  12. R

    January Sale

    January Sale (Please read sale details below) 20% off your order (order total must still be at the minimum) Discounts cannot be used in conjunction with one another. Discounts are subtracted before shipping is added. Order total must still be at minimum after discount. Discounts do not...
  13. F

    Primo 100 and sustanon 250

    What is the best temperature and time for melting Primo 100 and sustanon 250 with 20%BB and 2%BA before adding grape seed oil ?
  14. F


    What is the best recipe 100mg Primo i know BB and BA ! What Is the best temperature and time for melting it ? Thanks

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  19. R

    November Sale

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  20. R

    October Sale

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