
  1. U

    best recomping stack for under 30 years old

    I’m 28 years old, 204 pounds and 6’1’’ and I would like to do a recomping stack and cycle it on and off for the next two years. My plan is to do 12 weeks on and 16 weeks off and repeat that while also staying on a cruising dose of 150 milligrams of testosterone. What should I use on the 12 weeks...
  2. B

    recomping at 260 pounds

    48 years old, I’m a bigger guy clocking in at 260 pounds and looking to recomp. Do NOT want to lose my strength or size, but I do want to lean out while also putting on muscle. Any advice on this stack below? 200mgs test cyp 400mgs primo 50mgs a day anavar.
  3. Y

    yes 100% RAD is an amazing sarms!

    Currently using RAD140 and I’m 4 weeks into 25mgs a day. 100% I can confirm that it is an awesome sarm and I highly recommend it! Now I want to start recomping more. I’m 258 pounds and five foot six. Holding quite a bit of body fat what would you recommend I start adding to it to get some good...
  4. C


    Trenbolone is an illegal anabolic steroid that is widely known for its ability to incredibly increase muscle mass and increase fat loss, it was, after all, developed to drastically increase the size of cattle. It is one of, if not the strongest anabolic steroid in the world and while it can...