1. B fake gw cardarine confirmed

    definitely got fake GW 501516 from sarmsup it’s giving me heart palpitations and I’m getting higher heart rate even when I’m doing just regular training in the gym not supposed to happen you’re supposed to have a better heart effect very disappointed because I feel like it got ripped off as I...
  2. D 100% fake sarms

    I know what real sarms is like. This stuff is fake for sure. Using lgd4033, rad140 and some sr9009. Not seeing any type of changes at all I should be gaining a lot of muscle and boosting my endurance but nothing is happening. Talk to a friend who also ran three different songs from them and he...
  3. H no results SMH

    this is my 10th week on this cycle. I bought enough sarms for 16 weeks and feel like I’m getting nothing out of them. My way is only up one or two pounds and that’s probably just from eating a meal. Using lgd, rad, and nutrobal. Not seeing any changes to my appetite and not seeing any...