
  1. Phill

    Purity Source labs Exclusive Insider Update: Secret Sales Alert - Flash Sales Revealed! Trick or Treat

    Hi guys and gals (yes, you wish there were those too) You know I'm part of a team, and from time to time, I get access to some confidential information. The other night, I heard about flash discounts. I'm not sure if it was some sort of Halloween prank, or if it's going to be a nice treat...
  2. J

    My review on King Kong

    Yes, I'm King's rep. But, I'm not a person that would just blow smoke up someone's ass. 3rd time using King Kong. I've only been using it on Leg days, which is Saturdays. All of my lifts have been going up weekly. The extra aggressiveness is far from anything else. Not to the point where you...
  3. Presser

    What Is Your Longest Time Without SEX???

    So, i know this is a weird question lol, but im asking cause i think i might have broken some sort of world record for a man with now having gone without having sex for 10 MONTHS! If you had of asked me in my 20's if going even a week without sex was possible i would have said fuck no...
  4. S

    Estrogen high?

    Been doing Test only 200/week. Haven't been taking adex probably like it should be taken. Been Feeling light headed and sort of dizzy. I read up on high estrogen side effect and sure enuff that was one, from high levels causing low blood sugar. One site recommended eat something sweet. I did and...
  5. D

    Mobile display

    Sort of off topic but am I missing how to switch this site to the Mobil display option?
  6. T

    Anyone here have good info on training a competitor for bikini?

    I have a client that is apparantly serious about competing next yr in bikini and she asked me for help, which is good except I'm more versed in BB than bikini. I would imagine info about the same but have some anyone link me up w some sort of guide for competing bikini?? thanks
  7. Iron Game


    The old cliché goes that bodybuilders are too busy rubbing their bodies in baby oil and squeezing themselves into a thong to build any real, functional strength while powerlifters are fat, lazy morons who are to dunderheaded to understand how to eat properly. <ins id="aswift_0_expand"...