steroid testing

  1. Pushtoday

    Steroid Problem in Military Fitness Centers?

    by John Agoglia Like other athletes, the pressure to perform better has some military members turning to performance enhancing drugs. The military seeks a force made up of physically strong, tough soldiers who are also mentally sharp. To keep up with these demands, many military members have...
  2. big in vegas

    Testing AAS???

    A friend of mine said he can test AAS at his house and see if it's real and how potent it is. Does anyone know how this is possible? I thought only a lab could test it, but he's sure he can do it and has done it. Just wondering if anyone knows how this works?
  3. big in vegas

    Budget crunch put Texas and high school steroids testing programs on block

    AUSTIN, Texas — When Texas began testing tens of thousands of high school athletes for steroids, the goal was to stop teens from taking dangerous performance-enhancing drugs. The death of a 17-year-old baseball player in a Dallas suburb had drawn country-wide attention to the hazard. But that...