strength gains

  1. Presser

    Kisspeptin-10 in Bodybuilding for Enhanced Performance and Recovery

    Kisspeptin-10 is a potent peptide derived from the Kiss1 gene, which plays a crucial role in regulating the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, affecting gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release and thereby influencing reproductive and hormonal functions. Its discovery has led to...
  2. Presser

    Trenbolone vs Parabolan

    Trenbolone vs Parabolan Trenbolone vs Parabolan in the world of performance-enhancing drugs is vast and varied, with numerous options for athletes and bodybuilders seeking to enhance their physical capabilities. Among these, Parabolan and Trenbolone (often referred to simply as "Tren") are two...
  3. Muscle Insider

    Ostarine mk-2866

    Ostarine MK-2866, a promising yet unapproved SARM that has garnered attention for its potential muscle-building and osteoporosis-fighting capabilities. This article unpacks the science behind Ostarine, exploring its selective action on androgen receptors and its debated place in the fitness and...
  4. Presser

    Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Long Arginine 3 (IGF-1 LR3)

    Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Long Arginine 3 (IGF-1 LR3) is a modified form of the naturally occurring Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1). It plays a significant role in muscle growth and has gained popularity in bodybuilding for its potential to enhance muscle development and recovery. Here's...
  5. Muscle Insider


    SARMS for Sale: Unlocking the Potential of Ostarine MK-2866, Cardarine, and RAD-140 by SARM Sciences When it comes to SARMS (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators), SARM Sciences stands as a trusted brand offering high-quality products. In this article, we will explore the benefits of three...
  6. Muscle Insider

    Microdosing Deca & Test

    03-24-2022, 01:22 PM #1 Rookie Rep Power 0...
  7. T

    Lgd 4033 dropper dosage

    Hello fellow lifters just a quick question, I'm about to buy some lgd from the store and was wondering how many bottles I would need for 10mg a day for 8 weeks? Also does the dropper show how much I need to put in to make the correct amount? Cheers.
  8. gandhisays

    Proviron Minimum and maximum dosages per cycle.

    As Proviron is one of the most misunderstood steroids on earth, so are Proviron Doses. One reason for this misunderstanding is this steroid's ratings based on its structural nature; however, its translating action does not match up to its structural nature. This often leads many to supplement...
  9. Powderguy

    Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate NPP Steroid

    Nandrolone phenylpropionate is one of the most popular injectable steroids. It is basically Deca, with a shorter ester ( phenylpropionate instead of decanoate ester found in deca durabolin or nandrolone decanoate), resulting in quicker release into the bloodstream. Although its shorter ester...
  10. dorian123


    wanting some opinions here on my next cycle thinking of running test C at 600-750 mg/week what should I run with it? been running deca with test for the past 3 years now was thinking of maybe changing it up? opinions? MORE ON IMGUR
  11. Presser

    Winstrol Cycle - Winsrol Stanozolol Cycle with Testosterone

    Winstrol Cycle - Winsrol Stanozolol Cycle with Testosterone Aside from testosterone, Winstrol (stanozolol) is the most popular steroid on the market. A Winstrol cycle is popular because it is often used in cutting cycles. You have bodybuilders using it before a contest, and you have regular gym...
  12. Crazymank

    Parabolan Vs. Tren

    To me there the same drug. But I want to know what the difference is. I see that a lot of people taking tren and I hardley ever hear about parabolan. so whats the diffrence and which one is better for lean body mass??